Some believe that a fashion for school staff "clean-outs" when new headteachers take over is resulting in experience and knowledge being lost from the system. Former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), Richard Bird, discusses
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A headteacher and a governor from Havering report on their experiences of amalgamating an infant school with the neighbouring junior school
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For teachers at primary schools, the requirement of PE hours taught per week has risen from two to five. Crispin Andrews talks to primary headteachers about how they are coping with this change
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Can schools realistically play a part in creating cohesion in their community? Dave Weston considers this question in the context of an increasingly diverse country
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Being a headteacher is "fantastic and rewarding" says secondary headteacher Kim Sparling, who dismisses the notion that the top leadership role in schools is losing its appeal for many in her profession
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Mark Chaplin shares insight into how primary headteachers can design a questionnaire for parents that will help them carry out effective self-evaluation at their primary school
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For headteachers the new Children's Plan poses yet more new challenges, with possible changes to the primary curriculum, flexible school start and greater involvement between school and family. Angela Youngman investigates
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Chris Fenton discusses the benefits of working towards the International School Award, and how it can be used to build teamwork in improving schools and impact professional development read more
After celebrating her 80th birthday, Joan Sallis looks back and makes a plea for stability read more
What are the essential characteristics for a school leader? Roger Smith reflects on what leadership is and what makes it work read more