Gallions Primary School teach their entire curriculum through the arts, to fantastic results. Co-heads Paul Jackson and Emma McCarthy discuss how
Educational psychologist Alan McLean summarises his model for understanding how teachers can motivate their students
The idea that it is possible to raise attainment by teaching according to individual learners’ styles is a popular one, but is it grounded in strong research evidence? Elaine Hall reports
Steve Paget explains how logovisual thinking (LVT) can stimulate higher-order thinking
The contribution of students as researchers (STARS) to students’ learning and to school development can have numerous benefits. David Lucas and Dr Margaret Wood recount their experience at Deptford Green secondary school
In his continuing series on gifted thinkers, Charles Dietz looks at the work of Robert Sternberg and how he has influenced the teaching of gifted pupils
Howard Gardner will forever be associated with his theory of multiple intelligences. Charles Dietz discovers that the Hobbs professor in cognition and education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education has a lot more to say on the nature of giftedness.
Marianne Clarkson looks at the life and work of Maria Montessori.
Sara Bubb of the Institute of Education in London discusses the implications of research into adult learning for their professional development.
Does Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences (MI) help or hinder us in our quest to identify G&T students?
Listening is the ability to attend to sounds across a range of stimuli. Pupils with listening and attention difficulties have one of two problems…
Visual comprehension is the ability to listen to information that has been given orally, then remember it, understand it and use the information across a range of tasks. These activities can help develop skills in this area, and can be incorporated into lessons for the benefit of all pupils.
Visual perception is the ability to recognise, interpret and organise visual images. The activities listed here will help develop visual perception skills and can be incorporated into lessons to benefit all pupils.
Visual discrimination is the ability to recognise similarities and differences between visual images. The activities listed here can help develop visual discrimination skills and can be used in lessons to benefit all children.
Phonological awareness is the ability to be aware of sounds within words and to be able to break down words into syllables and into phonemes. The activities listed here can help develop phonological awareness and can be used in lessons for the benefit of all children.
Auditory discrimination is the ability to detect similarities and differences when listening to sounds. The activities listed here can be used to strengthen auditory discrimination skills and can be incorporated into a lesson to benefit all children.
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) has long been the standard by which we have judged people. Although technically we only use it to judge a person’s ‘intelligence’, their IQ score tends to carry a lot of other potential judgement, prejudice and discrimination along with it.
In the article What a Great Memory! in Issue 7 of TEX, Mark Fletcher wrote about brain-friendly strategies for helping students to ‘encode’ information and so transfer it from short to long-term memory. One of the key factors in this process is the neurological connection between memory and the visual systems of the brain, with more than thirty brain areas involved in ‘seeing’, for example. This second article elaborates on the brain/learning justification for using Visualisation techniques with a class, and the basics of how to get started.
Andy Bowman reflects upon some of the learning preferences he has observed in his class, and discusses the steps he and his colleagues have taken to begin to support these
Have you ever wished for an educational ‘reset’ button? A way to restore a student’s self-esteem and change a teachers viewpoint? A way back to the stage when everyone was hopeful and everything was possible? A Superlearners Day is no magic button, but it may be the next best thing.
Bill Lucas explores the phrase ‘accelerated learning,’ and its associated curious, if well-meaning, misconceptions
Julie Bennett suggests three different techniques that you can use to motivate learners and add further dimensions to your teaching
Dr Steve Rayner (School of Education, University of Birmingham) explores recent criticisms of the use of learning styles in education, arguing that they are, when used in well-considered ways, an essential feature of personalised learning.
Are you a SENCO looking for practical tips, in-depth knowledge, or inspiration? Take a look at these book lists and reviews.
The title of this book combines two of the biggest ‘buzz terms’ emerging in the field of mainstream education during the last decade. Each resonates with a distinctive snap, crackle and pop when referred to by academics, school practitioners and parent groups.
AL has become something of a catch-all phrase these days, synonymous with brain-based or mind-friendly learning. Susan Norman goes beyond the buzz-word to bring you the facts