A significant number of teenagers were stabbed to death in our cities during 2007. Legal Expertise explains the new powers given to headteachers to search pupils for weapons with and without consent read more
In this issue look at the important issue of personal information and data security read more
SENCO Week provides information to help you support pupils with physical or sensory difficulties and outlines the role of the Disability Discrimination Act read more
What are schools’ legal obligations regarding school uniform? Legal Expertise answers your questions
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Inclusion – what does it really mean to special educational needs professionals? SENCO Week throws light on this issue
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There’s no doubt that when it comes to personal and professional development it is essential to nurture reflection and reflexivity, but what exactly do they mean? read more
Your teaching staff must have the health and physical capacity to teach, but in assessing this you must make sure you comply with disability discrimination rules, says Yvonne Spencer
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Whose opinion takes precedence in a dispute over provision, asks Michael Segal – parent or local authority?
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If you work with children or vulnerable adults, there are difficult decisions regarding when to disclose sensitive information. Chris Webb-Jenkins examines the impact of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 on this issue
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Employers looking to prevent and defend claims of stress, and employees who are suffering from stress at work, should make time to read the complex litigation involved, urges Tamara Ludlow
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Re: A (a child)(adoption) [2008] 1 FCR55, CA
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Admissions authorities and statutory appeal panels can avoid potential litigation from parents by using tactical decision making, says Yvonne Spencer read more
Michael Segal explores a school’s legal position in implementing a reinstatement order, and how far they are obliged to enforce it
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A key judgement means claimants need prove only abuse − not employer’s negligence. But this could be good news for schools writes Dai Durbridge read more
Chris Webb-Jenkins walks you through the new vetting and barring regime, which comes into effect in autumn 2008
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The new guidance on restraining pupils is essential reading. Jenni Whitehead discusses the powers it gives and some of the dilemmas it poses
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It is vital to know the new changes to the law — especially if your school is its own admissions authority, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Jenni Whitehead provides clarification on when the Data Protection Act applies to photographing and filming students in school, in end of term productions, nativity plays, certificate presentations etc
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Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at the wisdom of using the power to search in schools and concludes that there are often better options read more
How can a school best strike a balance between its uniform policy and its pupils’ right to manifest their religion or belief?
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SENCOs will have a significant role to play in carrying out the new duties set out in the Disability Discrimination Act, writes Bill Goler
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Data protection law sets firm boundaries around what information you can collect. Educators retain excessive data at their peril, writes Simon White
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Maintained schools in England are now responsible for providing full-time education for excluded pupils from the sixth day of their exclusion read more
Get set for a raft of changes to legislation and guidance — including rules on use of force, searching and confiscation, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Joining forces brings benefit, but there are implications for governance, employment, and leadership, writes Mark Blois
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In Spring 2007, Jenni Whitehead reported on a Home Office consultation, which was launched to seek views on proposals for making non-photographic visual depictions of child abuse an offence read more
New guidance on behaviour and discipline in schools hit the headlines during Easter 2007 – largely because of its suggestions on the importance of rewarding good behaviour as well as punishing bad read more
Schools are being advised to review their policies and practices to make sure that they are not doing anything that discriminates against pupils on the grounds of religion or belief
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The National Assembly elections on May 3 2007 marked the completion of the second four-year term of devolved government in Wales. Allan Tait presents some of the key issues facing school governors in Wales read more
Physical disparity is acceptable where players are the same age, says an authoritative new case – Kris Lines reports read more
Pupil discipline provisions enshrined in the Education and Inspections Act 2006 came into force in April 2007. Solicitor Dai Durbridge interprets what these measures will mean for work in schools
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A useful update on the current law regarding discrimination is provided by Patti Turner
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New maternity and flexible working rights mean employers must brush up on the law, says Derek Eccleston
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Christian Webb-Jenkins, of Browne Jacobson LLP, discusses the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 read more
A proposed change in the law would raise the legal age for purchasing tobacco. Peter Downes discusses the implications for schools. read more
Headteacher Ian Bauckham attacks some common myths about faith schools and argues that their abolition would seriously reduce parental choice as well as being detrimental to the government’s commitment to raising standards.
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Michael Segal looks at the complicated issue of a parents right to insist on corporal punishment for their children, in line with religous freedom
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The Education Act 2005: an overview for school staff. read more