Author: Brin Best, Anthony Blake & John Varney
Making Meaning provides unique guidance for teachers and other professionals in education, equipping them to use many practical and creative thinking methodologies.
It deals with the teaching and use of thinking skills through the perspective of making meaning. It introduces ‘logovisual thinking’ as a generic method of making meaning that:
- encourages participation in active enquiry, irrespective of preferred learning styles and personalities
- makes thinking processes more visible
- helps learners, teachers and managers deal with complexity and diversity
- facilitates constructive and creative learning relationships.
For learners, it:
- activates higher levels of thinking
- produces understanding through discovery
- develops social and communication skills in small group and plenary work.
For teachers, it:
- improves lesson design
- supports facilitation of higher order thinking
- gives structure to enquiry and exploration.
For educational managers, it supports:
- making sense of complex issues
- articulating purpose and vision
- developing strategies and plans.
Rich and varied case studies show the range and depth of applications. The 18 exemplars cover various parts of the curriculum, assessment studies and management issues. They also demonstrate making meaning in individual, small group, class and large group settings.
Concluding his foreword Barry Hymer writes:
‘In the 21st Century, we are increasingly aware of our need for reflective, connected, multi-disciplinary, collaborative thinking and acting, where learners transcend the simple acceptance of received facts or wisdom, and the vaunting of knowledge over imagination. We are re-discovering that learning is active, not passive. That meaning, like intelligence, like gifts or talents, like connections, like the world, isn’t discovered. It’s made.’
152pp A4
ISBN:1 899857 48 6
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