New research has highlighted the benefits of the Common Assessment Framework in helping agencies work together to provide positive outcomes for families
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Tracey Eldridge-Hinmers looks at how changes to the guidance will affect schools’ duties in relation to information sharing and the prevention of bullying
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Many staff in schools work with other agencies from time to time, such as health and social services. Here we outline training that is beneficial to all staff working with children in a multi-agency environment
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In our last issue, we considered some important principles of multi-agency working and how to establish good relationships amongst professionals from a range of different services and backgrounds. This issue, we consider how SENCOs, as key workers, can organize productive and worthwhile meetings with colleagues
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Following on from the last issue where we considered how to build good parent-school relationships, this issue we look at collaborative working with professionals from a range of agencies and how to get the best out of joint working
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A holistic approach to supporting young people's health is led by the school-based health adviser at Newall Green School, Manchester, who embraces the whole child and the family. Neil Wilson, headteacher, discusses
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This story of a 14-year-old who was being groomed and in danger of sexual exploitation illustrates the importance of multi-agency child protection
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A youth intervention officer, Bruce Newman, discusses his work with Schools Multi Agency Resource Team (SMART) and the approaches he uses to work with young people, including restorative justice
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Beryl Burkitt describes how her school's multi-professional team (MPT) enables joined-up working and aims to support learners
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The protection of older young people, particularly from the ages 16 to 18, can be overlooked. One serious case review of the suicide of a 16-year-old girl highlights the issues involved, explains Jenni Whitehead
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What steps should you take when you believe that a pupil is displaying symptoms that are deliberately induced or fabricated? Jenni Whitehead summarizes revised guidance for how schools should deal with this type of abuse, and stresses the importance of inter-agency communication
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Jo McShane invite readers to consider multi-agency or multi-professional working with schools from the perspective of an enthusiastic apprentice, who realizes the value that 'joined-up thinking' offers
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How can outreach work effectively engage hard-to-reach community members? Partnership working and forward thinking has been successful in breaking down barriers to participation, as Nazia Hussain, project manager for Keighley extended schools cluster in Bradford, explains read more
Multi-agency working to support vulnerable young people can be an important strand of extended school provision, says Lisa McClarence, who gives an overview of the counselling work she does in schools
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An new report on child deaths and serious injury examines the problems of inter-agency working. Jenni Whitehead looks at some of the implications for schools read more
Recent government legislation has created new opportunities for multi-agency working in addressing and reducing exclusions from schools, says headteacher Neil Berry
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Some of the key success factors in the development of extended schools provision across a cluster are discussed by Dave Dunkley, headteacher at Coleshill Heath Full Service Extended School in Solihull, and Ruth Shand, lead officer for extended services at Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council read more
Working in a multi-agency environment to positively engage targeted young people, Paul Rogers explains why no two days are ever the same
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Bill Goler examines how the Common Assessment Framework is working in practice and how SENCOs can and should be involved in its implementation
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Headteacher Bernadette O’Brien describes the core themes of extended provision at Priory School and Sports College
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Schools, colleges and early years settings are seen as having a major role to play in the plans and policies set forward in this new document read more
Two recent policy reviews have established the government’s priorities for spending on public services that help disabled and disadvantaged pupils
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Headteacher Anne Clark looks at why it is so important for schools to establish effective links with outside agencies
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Liz Rowbotham looks at how extended services have worked for one community college read more
An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) authorizes a local authority to remove a child to accommodation provided by the local authority and keep him there read more
Linda Bartholomew and Cathy Kennedy describe their initiative to capitalize on the links which health visitors can create between early years providers and families read more
Steve Adams of the NSPCC looks at the sorts of training that different members of staff require and shares some ideas for successfully carrying it out
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A section 37 report is a measure of last resort, which the judge was anxious to avoid in the case of F (family proceedings: section 37 investigation) [2006] 1FLR 1122, Sumner J – reported by Michael Segal read more
Looking at the benefits and challenges of different models for providing childcare and early education service in children’s centers and extended schools read more
The government's guidance is helping different agencies to share information but problems persist, as Dai Durbridge reports read more
Jenni Whitehead investigates a new IT-based system of sharing information between key agencies read more
Are child protection practices and procedures are adequate in cases of domestic violence and parental substance misuse? read more
What affect did the New Relationship with Schools (NRwS) have on schools and school improvement? Headteacher Trevor Bailey takes a critical look at its impact
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A learning partner can help you influence your organization to move in a more emotionally literate direction, as Peter Sharp, director of learning for MouchelParkman, explains read more
Professional teams can make the agenda for change work, says Dr. Nick Johnson OBE. read more
Jenni Whitehead discusses the issue of young people at risk of abuse through prostitution. read more
Counselling is often touted as a solution to challenging behavior and as a way of meeting needs that are beyond the scope of a school’s pastoral care mechanisms. But is it? Adrian King, independent health education consultant and qualified counsellor looks at what it can realistically deliver. read more
Claire Maxwell and Ian Warwick highlight some ways in which student mental health is being addressed in colleges of further education
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If Jane’s story was true she had to be removed from a situation where she was at risk. But if it wasn’t true, was there a danger of making things even worse? A former teacher describes the tensions generated by the problem
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A new report confirms that joined-up working has been a positive and significant experience for the majority of those involved. read more
Until recently G&T education was piecemeal and largely ignored in Northern Ireland. David Ryan describes the start of a strategy for G&T education at Belfast’s Education and Library Board. read more
Every Disabled Child Matters is a three-year campaign by organizations working with disabled children and their families. Its objectives and proposed actions for change are summarized below
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The new and rapidly changing context of the Every Child Matters agenda presents challenges and opportunities for the role of the educational psychologist. This forms the backdrop against which a review of the functions and contribution of educational psychologists has been conducted. read more
Dr Barbara Spender considers the key questions underpinning Every Child Matters implementation from first considerations about individual school priorities, through visibility in specific curriculum areas, to evaluation and measurement of success
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The government’s campaign to persuade more schools to offer extended services continues with the publication of new guidance. read more
Schools should be at the center of professional support for children and heads should champion change, argues Nick Johnson OBE. read more
What lessons can be learned from the community education movement to help ensure the success of extended schools? Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at this issue
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Roger Smith explains the background to the Common Assessment Framework and how you can make it work in your school. read more
For any SENCO looking at how SEN is defined, identified and assessed in her own local education authority and elsewhere, it soon becomes apparent that the identification and assessment of SEN is not only complex but confused. Michael Farrell suggests that SENCOs can contribute to clarifying our understandings of SEN. read more
Following the publication of a report by Eleanor Stobart, the Government has announced an increase in action to tackle child abuse linked to accusations of 'possession' and 'witchcraft'. read more