A unique combination of sound and touch is bringing a whole new world of teaching opportunities into both special needs and mainstream education.
The T3 talking tactile technology is a multi-sensory device developed by the Royal National College for the Blind (RNC), UK and Touch Graphics of New York.
Lesley Wells, T3 project manager claims that, ‘any subject taught at any level from foundation to A-levels, in schools and Further Education colleges can be converted by this program and it may also have benefits for other special needs groups, in particular those who may have problems with the written word eg students with dyslexia’.
How it works
- A laptop-sized, touch-sensitive device is connected to a standard computer that coordinates audio and haptic sensations.
- The program CD is inserted (these relate to the national curriculum and are supplied by RNC or developed by the teacher themselves).
- When various symbols, icons, and regions of the tactile surface are pressed, audio information on what the user is feeling comes from a connected computer.
- Allows the visually impaired learner to access maps, charts, diagrams and text.
- Facilitates and encourages independent learning – program content/information easily accessible by the vision-impaired without sighted assistance.
- Works with minimum spec PCs and laptops.
To find out more visit www.talktab.org
This article first appeared in SENCO Update – September 2005