Teachers are now expected to enrich their maths lessons, but how easy is this to do in the classroom? Caroline Clissold offers advice and ideas for key stage 2
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How do you help pupils who show symptoms of dyscalculia? This SENCO Week highlights the main issues and gives advice to both SENCOs and classroom teachers
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It is important to allow multisensory maths to be taught to children with special educational needs (SEN) for as long as they need, argues Jane Kendall. Here she offers some practical suggestions for how
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What does the future hold for primary mathematics following the Williams review? Caroline Slissolf looks at the review of framework in detail and asks how recommendations on primary maths training and specialism will translate into reality
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Teaching mathematics to children with English as an additional language (EAL) can be a difficult task. EAL pupils will often struggle with maths and teachers may find it a struggle to overcome the language barrier, but Lorraine Barber has some helpful tips
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The performances of sporting legends can be used to engage pupils in maths lessons. Crispin Andrews looks at this cross curricular method, including easy-to-implement examples
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This pack of free Christmas maths activities are suitable for primary school children of all abilities
This free maths resource provides two maths games for ages 7 to 11
Maths is either a subject that pupils love or hate, explains Lorraine Barber, so how can we support those learners who don't have a natural aptitude for it?
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Michael Farrell considers the mathematics disorder dyscalculia, and looks at ways of supporting students who struggle with its effects
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This exciting free resource focuses on the theme of myths and legends and provides two numeracy projects for use in the classroom
Numeracy and mathematics are areas that cause confusion and anxiety for many learners. SENCO Week looks at ways in which teachers can identify and support such pupils in the classroom
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Angela Youngman has found some exciting new approaches to the teaching of maths read more
In this numeracy lesson plan Paul Ainsworth describes how learning about probability can provide excellent opportunities for speaking and listening and incorporate plenty of challenge for the most able
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Sal McKeown looks at some of the implications of the renewed primary Framework for those working with children with special educational needs read more
Lorraine Barber, a numeracy adviser from Worcestershire, explains the importance of effective and exciting maths teaching read more
Kath Donovan looks at the Renewed Primary Framework for Mathematics read more
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability involving maths skills.
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Dr Alison J Price of Oxford Brookes University explains why understanding the relationship between numbers, and the connections between calculations, is an important part of developing mathematical awareness, and how this can influence delivery of the curriculum. read more
Most schools are not making the teaching of literacy and numeracy a high enough priority, according to Ofsted inspectors. read more
How can teachers help their most able mathematicians? Lynne McClure, consultant for the Mathematical Association discusses the problems and offers some solutions. read more
While dyslexia is now widely accepted as a specific difficulty and is becoming better understood, its equivalent in the world of numeracy lags far behind explains Linda Evans
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Helen Hann considers how we can support children in the learning of maths from early years, by nurturing their emerging mathematical concepts and understanding
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