“ This new framework represents an important shift in the way we inspect schools. We will double the amount of time we spend in classrooms observing teaching...My impression is that it will be harder for a school to be rated good or outstanding.” Christine Gilbert, Ofsted Chief Inspector, June 2009 With Ofsted raising the bar on inspection and the government continually launching new learning initiatives, developing outstanding learning and teaching has never been so tough. From now on, schools who are rated satisfactory or poor can expect to face more regular inspections than those rated good or outstanding. Does your school’s learning and teaching measure up to Ofsted’s new standards?
Attend this year’s Learning and Teaching conference to find out how to develop Ofsted level 1 outstanding in learning and teaching throughout your school. Learn how to link major learning initiatives like PLTS, creativity, APP and AfL together in highly effective learning and teaching that reflects the changing curriculum and develops students as independent, reflective learners.
Click here to see an overview of this event.
You can also see details of the day in our conference programme.
Previous delegates said:
“ An excellent and inspiring day – a real spirit of collaboration and networking fostered by speakers and delegates.”
Stephen Whittle, Assistant Headteacher, Hayes School
“ Very impressive. Very high quality content presented in an inclusive, practical and inspiring way.”
Jane Cullen, Director of Learning Strategy, Lacon Childe School
“ This has been an empowering and positive experience.”
Alyson Shields, Director of Learning and Teaching, New College Durham