It’s official! The Ofsted report came out on Monday and we were outstanding in every area. In fact, there was only one ‘2’ that appeared on the whole report and that is an area we are dealing with. I am just so pleased that the staff have got the huge pat on the back that they deserve. They have been so upbeat ever since they heard. It really goes to show how much we humans appreciate it when people acknowledge our hard work and success.
Having seen a positive letter to the children, I have to say that I find myself agreeing with the person who responded to my blog on this subject. I had commented that negative letters to children about things that they cannot affect must be demoralising. I still stand by this, but having read the letter to my kids and seen their responses to being told how well they behave and how hard they work, I appreciate that the positive letters have a great effect.
I am sure that the teachers will have been spending a lot of time this week reinforcing the message too.
On top of the fact that the result has been highly motivational for staff and pupils, we governors have been invited on a staff night out. I am so pleased that relationships are all becoming ever more positive. It can only be good for the school.