What do the four main parties (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green) have to say about education?
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In the second issue of SENCO Week looking at partnership working, we consider the parent-school relationship and how you can make this as positive and fruitful as possible. In the next issue (151) we will provide some practical ideas for running parent workshop sessions
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Jenni Whitehead discusses the difficulties faced by named persons, or child protection coordinators, in talking to children's parents about their concerns and the need to follow child protection procedures
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Do you know your way around educational employment law? Does your school's pay and remuneration package meet or exceed minimum standards? Tamara Ludlow gives a legal overview of essential information for both leadership teams and staff
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How do you create meaningful and sustainable relationships with parents? Dr Jean de Rijke, developer of the Effective Partnerships with Parents (EPPa) strategy, shares her expertise
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This Behaviour Matters explains how to manage serious or ongoing behavioural issues with the use of individual behaviour plans
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The statistics regarding childhood health and overweight children are alarming, says Roger Smith. Here are some practical suggestions to promote healthy eating habits in children
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Whose opinion takes precedence in a dispute over provision, asks Michael Segal - parent or local authority?
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In March 2008, a four-year investigation into whether Glaxosmithkline had withheld negative information about the effects of Seroxat on under-18s ended with a decision that there was insufficient evidence to mount a successful prosecution. Special Children reports read more
How can outreach work effectively engage hard-to-reach community members? Partnership working and forward thinking has been successful in breaking down barriers to participation, as Nazia Hussain, project manager for Keighley extended schools cluster in Bradford, explains read more
Early Years Update looks at the National Healthy Schools Programme and the key issues it aims to address read more
What does the Children's Plan have to say about shaping up a more emotionally literate education system? read more
Mosac is a London-based charity that supports non-abusing parents and carers of children who have been sexually abused. Julia Webb-Harvey provides a case study to illustrate its work read more
In early years especially, boys should not be forced into a "girl-like" model of learning, explains Steve Mynard
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The Children’s Plan was launched by Ed Balls in December 2007, but what are the government's objectives for this initiative?
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The rulings of two recent legal cases indicate that an SEN pupil's attitude and application will now be key in assessing educational negligence claims, writes Mark Blois read more
Michael Segal explains why a clear school complaints procedure is vital
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The parental fundraising team is a fanstastic resource. Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith look at how to maximise the work it does
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Michael Farrell considers provision for pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD) read more
Phil Williams, chair of governors of Kelmscott Secondary School, gives a personal view of his school's involvement in the first wave of the Building Schools for the Future scheme read more
Jenni Whitehead provides clarification on when the Data Protection Act applies to photographing and filming students in school, in end of term productions, nativity plays, certificate presentations etc
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Jenni Whitehead reports on a review of the legislation that limited the use of physical chastisement read more
Recent research into the experiences of parent governor representatives (PGRs) found confusion over the role, lack of respect and communication difficulties, writes David Gordon read more
Helen Wheeler describes how the PEAL training programme helped practitioners to develop parents' involvement in their children’s learning read more
Who gets the final say in deciding when a statement of SEN comes to an end? David Ruebain, Chris Barnett and David Wolfe unravel a complex new case read more
When is exclusion for serious misconduct justified, and how careful must a headteacher be in excluding a pupil? read more
Some participants in a phone-in programme about the roll-out of SEAL thought that happiness could not or should not be taught, and that it was simply a question of 'common sense'. Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni explains why she disagrees
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Natassja Cole gives her verdict on the pros and cons of being on the G&T register
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The updated exclusions guidance has taken effect, amid a deluge of new discipline and behaviour provision. Ingrid Sutherland outlines the changes in exclusions law
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Legal Surgery answers a question about exclusion of a violent pupil who has SEN read more
Early Years Update highlights the key management issues contained in the EYFS Statutory Framework
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Which is more important — a pupil's right to privacy, or the public interest in education? Michael Segal examines a case where a city council sought an injunction against a television documentary in which its pupils were badly portrayed
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Jenni Clarke discusses the important role early years practitioners can play in helping young children to develop good eating habits
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The CfBT Education Trust manages the national gifted and talented strategy and is planning an online 'one-stop-shop' to provide routes to CPD, case study material, outreach events, resources etc read more
Special needs consultant Patti Turner details the actions you need to take to ensure your school is fully meeting the medicinal needs of all children read more
New research evaluates how effectively Sure Start programmes help children with special needs and disabilities read more
Joan Sallis examines some of the different issues that affect governors in primary and secondary schools read more
Christine Fanthome outlines practical strategies for students to aid examination success read more
Looking after other people's children is responsible work, says Sue Dale Tunnicliffe read more
Are child protection practices and procedures are adequate in cases of domestic violence and parental substance misuse? read more
A long-term, focused relationship with parents can pay dividends, says John Welham. read more
Many governors’ influence in their schools falls short of the model suggested by law, regulations, training, and the perceptions of politicians and the press. read more
New initiatives, including travel plans and school transport advisers, are being introduced. Managers ignore these at their peril, writes Ingrid Sutherland. read more
Q: Can a parent be prosecuted for not sending a child to school when there is an education supervision order in force?
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Every school has a general duty of care for all of the children in its care. This extends to ensuring children's safety on the internet. read more
Why do so many people think that giftedness is a ‘seriously wrong’ idea? Dr Ruth Cigman argues that the way forward lies in ensuring that we recognise genuine giftedness.
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A fire safety petition is calling for the installation of sprinkler systems in all new and refurbished schools. read more
Attachment theory is explored here by Steve Mynard, who summarises some of the research and suggests ways that you could use this in your setting
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EYU reviews a new report calling for increased government spending to bring about a childcare system that combines quality, affordability and appropriateness for all children
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How do you get more men into childcare? Angela Youngman investigates some initiatives designed to involve men in careers with young children
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