Mark Chaplin shares insight into how primary headteachers can design a questionnaire for parents that will help them carry out effective self-evaluation at their primary school
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For headteachers the new Children’s Plan poses yet more new challenges, with possible changes to the primary curriculum, flexible school start and greater involvement between school and family. Angela Youngman investigates
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This free resource is part of a series to help to increase parental involvement in the learning process, here looking at the benefits of developing a formal whole-school policy to encourage parental participation
This free resource is part of a series to help teachers to increase parental involvement in the learning process, in this case looking at how to best utilise parents who are keen to become involved in their children’s school
This free resource is part of a series to help teachers to increase parental involvement in the learning process, here exploring why communication is at the heart of engaging parents
This free resource is part of a CPD series to help increase parental involvement in the learning process, in this instance presenting a case study where partnerships with parents are a central focus for one school
Starting school is an anxious time for both early years children and parents. School leaders and home-school coordinators need to be aware of their anxieties in order to ease the transition process
We all know how valuable it is to have parents ‘on board’ in terms of supporting their children and reinforcing what school is trying to do. For pupils with SEN, this is especially important read more
Biometric systems can now be used to speed up lunch queues, remove the need for children to take money into schools, save time in taking registers and to prevent unauthorised access to school premises. Mark Blois considers the legal and practical implications of using biometric data in schools read more
Legal Expertise looks at the mechanisms open to parents to challenge admissions policies and investigates why this year is likely to see more challenges read more