Peer Support in the Primary Playground is designed to support you in training the pupils in your school to support their peers during playground problems using conflict resolution and problem-solving approaches
This comprehensive training pack for teachers and teaching assistants includes information for staff and parents/carers. Copiable training materials and resources will help you to successfully introduce the concept of peer support and ensure successful implementation of the programme in your school.
Peer Support in the Primary Playground will help you to:
- develop the emotional and personal skills of the supporters and those they help
- enhance the social skills of interaction and citizenship amongst the children
- promote self-confidence, problem-solving skills and an 'I can do' attitude in children
- promote an ethos of responsibility, care for others and humanity within the school
- provide positive role-models within the school
- support the school in becoming a safer, more peaceful and caring environment
- reduce bullying and antisocial behaviour within the school
- improve the self-esteem of students
- reduce the number of incidents that are unnecessarily reported to staff
- reduce potential stress for both pupils and staff.
Chapter Summary
Part 1
The book is divided into two parts. In Part 1 each chapter is designed to make the process of implementing the programme as straight forward as possible. Please read on for a summary of each chapter in Part 1.
Chapter 1 − Peer Support − What Are We Aiming For?
This chapter looks at the aims of the peer support programme and puts it into the context of recent national developments and initiatives from the Department for Children, Families and Schools.
Chapter 2 − Getting Started
In this chapter you are offered ideas on how you can set up the programme in your school in six easy steps. The accompanying CD-ROM contains all the relevant paperwork that can be altered to suit the needs of the pupils and school.
Chapter 3 − Gathering Your Baseline Data
This chapter proposes ways in which data at a whole-school, cohort and individual level can be gathered to monitor the progress of the children and the success of the programme.
Chapter 4 − Engaging the School Community
Chapter 4 looks at presenting the programme to the school community. It contains examples of PowerPoint presentations that can be used to present the intervention to governors and staff. There is also a short leaflet explaining the programme to parents/carers. There is an example assembly, a lesson plan and suggested recruitment procedures that can simplify the whole process and be adapted for use in your particular learning environment.
Chapter 5 − What Happens Next?
This chapter considers ways of introducing the intervention to the other year groups and also looks at the importance of monitoring the programme's effectiveness. It suggests ways in which this can be done as well as recommending how best to support the young people. Also included are options for how the programme could be developed within your school.
Part 2
Part 2 of Peer Support in the Primary Playground contains the training programme and includes six workshops aiming to promote the children's skills as peer supporters. The workshops cover:
- active listening skills
- assertiveness skills
- problem-solving and conflict resolution strategies
- an explanation of how the programme will operate in your school and some basic behaviour management techniques.
Peer Support in the Primary Playground has been designed to be practical and easy to implement in a variety of settings. The materials are fully accessible by all pupils and can be easily adapted to suit the needs of those involved. When properly implemented it will help to develop confidence and improve self-esteem in pupils as well as improving behaviour and reducing stress, leading to a happier and healthier school environment.
It also contains an information leaflet for parents/carers, PowerPoint presentations for staff, plus assembly materials for children as well as posters and suggestions for promoting the programme in school. All copiable resources can be found on the CD-ROM.
The Peer Support in the Primary Playground programme fits into current national initiatives such as:
- Every Child Matters (ECM)
- Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
- Citizenship and National Healthy Schools
It can also add to the evidence required for the school's disability equality scheme by showing that the school is committed to disability equality and eliminating bullying and harassment as well as demonstrating good practice for the annual school self-evaluation form (SEF).
Ofsted Framework | Peer Support in the Primary Playground |
Characteristics of the School |
Views of learners, parents/carers and other stakeholders. |
Personal Development and Wellbeing |
Published 2009
Author: Linda Bell