Early years staff perfomance can be reviewed in a simple but effective way as part of an overall quality improvement process
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Linking performance management to professional development (CPD) can immediately improve specific areas of learning across the school, Carol Taylor advises CPD leaders
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It’s that time of year when SENCOs are planning for SEN provision for the next school year. Reminders can be helpful, so this week we provide some pointers for you to bear in mind. read more
Taking on new learning is only one side of the story; making it work for you in your classroom is the other side, and the link between the two is the contextualising of development. read more
This week we look at the task of assessing the quality of CPD as a way of asking the sometimes difficult questions that can push us forward read more
This CPD Week we consider how to share staff learning and promote a culture of celebrating achievement. We also take a look at teachers’ main areas of concern as identified by the annual survey of the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
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We explore the purposes of impact evaluation and what it might look like in schools read more
The pupil voice is an accessible method of regularly refining the focus of CPD, and this week we take a look at how best to listen read more
In many schools, it is the SENCO who has the main responsibility for managing Teaching Assistants (TAs). SENCO Week provides tips on selecting your TAs effectively
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As we begin 2008, what are the essentials for carrying out our responsibilities for professional learning in schools? CPD Week provides the answers read more
Effective management of support staff depends on a set of basic systems being in place. Ruth Bradbury looks at how to build teams, define roles and establish effective performance management read more
In 2007, Teachers TV asked educationalists at the chalkface about their experiences of performance management. Miranda Green looks at the results of the survey read more
Cliff Jones takes a look at how we behave in meetings and how they can be transformed from agonisingly sterile and unproductive events into something more useful
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Deputy headteacher David Morley examines how best to provide feedback, how to prepare for it and how to train others to do it read more
Former headteacher Roger Smith examines the impact of performance management guidelines – in particular the changes to classroom observation – and how they can be made to work. read more
The Welsh Assembly Government has taken a lead on recognising the individual professional needs of teachers. Gary Brace, chief executive, General Teaching Council for Wales, explains. read more
In November 2006, education writer and former head Roger Smith looked at the new draft performance management guidelines and what they might mean for schools. read more
Cliff Jones analyses the new draft guidelines for performance management. read more
The role of self-review is gaining in importance. Cliff Jones considers why teachers need to look at their own practice and presents a useful tool for critical professional learning. read more
How can school leaders and managers create an environment in which highly effective work can take place at all levels and all times? Former deputy head John Jackson suggests an approach. read more
The Association for Science Education (ASE), in collaboration with the Science Council, offers a professional qualification for science education professionals. read more
Peter Kent, headteacher of Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby, and his deputy Annabel Kay, describe how a new model of ‘professional friendship’ has reaped dividends at their school. read more
Walsall assistant heads Mike Swan and Keith Sydenham report on a secondment activity. read more
Walsall assistant heads Mike Swan and Keith Sydenham report on a secondment activity. read more
Neil Short looks at methods for supporting colleagues more effectively in the performance management process. read more
Former headmaster Neil Short examines the first stage of the PM cycle – planning. read more
Neil Short looks at the second and third stages of the PM cycle: monitoring and review. read more
Sally Eaton examines the benefits of CPD and the line manager’s role in implementing it. read more