Phil Avery: Teaching on Ice
Age: 27
Current job: Geography teacher at Oxted School, Surrey
Previous job: Marketing and store management for Boots the Chemist; Researcher for the BBC; Barman in Spain
Education: BA Geography and PGCE Geography at Oxford University. GCSEs and A Levels at Cranbrook School
Sports: Rowing, running, cycling
Favourite films: City of God, The Pianist, The Power of One
Favourite books: Beyond the Limits (Ranulph Fiennes), Survivial of the Fittest (Mike Stroud), The Famished Road (Ben Okri)
Favourite music: mainly bands with K in the title: Kasabian, Kings of Leon, Killers…but also Turin Brakes and jazz
Favourite foods: Pork pies, baked Alaska, sea bass, bread and butter pudding
Pet hates: People who put the work ‘like’ at the beginning of every sentence, yellow cars
Desert island/Antarctic luxury: A photo album
Currently writing on teachingexpertise: Teaching on Ice – an Antarctic blog