Finally, after some individual work with students and posing for a photographer at lunchtime – something to do with the new website or prospectus I think – we had a meeting after school on planning for next year!
We are embracing the new opportunities offered to us with Curriculum 2008 and shaking up all that has gone before.
For too long the biggest barrier to students participating and learning at schools has been the National Curriculum.
With the opportunity to now consider the Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) framework, as opposed to ploughing through curricula targets and schemes of work, all students will now benefit from a much stronger emphasis on PLTS. This is designed to increase flexibility and offer greater opportunities for personalising learning.
As with all good strategies for students with SEN, it benefits all. The PLTS framework comprises six groups of skills: independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers, and effective participators. It allows us to create learning opportunities that were not possible with the old curriculum – oh yes I am very excited!
The PLTS will help me sleep well tonight for sure.