On Friday, our Head of Governors received and passed on our LA’s Primary Strategy for Change. This is a twenty or so page document which lays out what the LA aims to do in response to the ECM; Primary Capital Programme. This, as I understand it is a bid for about 12 million pounds to spend on updating buildings, raising standards and providing extended services.
Good girl that I am, I spent Sunday night reading through this and making notes for other governors who may have less time than me. I had previously heard of the Primary Capital Programme, but I did not know what it was all about. In case there are other governors out there in the same position, I will try to summarise what I have learnt in the next few blogs.
The Programme’s aim is to put primary schools at the heart of the community, with children’s services available to every family. The funds are to rebuild, refurbish and remodel schools in line with various government strategies (ECM, raising standards, diversity etc). The Programme is planned to last 14 years and will see at least 5% of school buildings rebuilt and a further 45% remodelled.
In order to get their hands ont he cash, the key points that the government wants LAs to address are below:
Tackle poor condition of buildings.
Tackle deprivation.
Tackle poor educational standards.
Reduce excess school places.
Develop a diverse market of provisions.
Respond to ECM.
Provide inclusive services for those with SEN and physical disabilities.
Achieve value for money and sustainability.