Tags: Foundation schools | Headteacher | School Governor | School Leadership & Management
Having brought in new regulations to speed up and simplify the process for community and voluntary controlled secondary schools to change category to foundation, the government is now proposing to extend the new procedures to primary schools.
Although a consultation on the proposals for secondary schools revealed overwhelming opposition, the DfES went ahead with only minor alterations to its plans. Amendments to the regulations on the change of category of maintained secondary schools came into force on August (1).
A consultation is under way on proposals to bring in an identical system for community and voluntary controlled primary schools to change to foundation status.
The streamlined system reduces the period during which representations may be made about the proposals to four weeks, cuts the amount of information that governors are required to publish and gives the governing body the final say on approving its own proposals.
New regulations have also been brought in which allow secondary schools to appoint up to four sponsor governors instead of the previous two.
This article first appeared in School Governor Update – Sep 2005
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