We understand the you are not only interested in your pupils academic performance, but that their emotional wellbeing matters immensely as well, the SEAL agenda recognises the role that teachers play in the emotional lives of their pupils. The positive impact of a curriculum that address the social needs of pupils is seen in the pupil’s overall state of mind, happiness, behaviour and academic results.
The SEAL agenda, ensures that your pupils are given support in all aspects of their lives, it ensures that pupils not only get the most out of their education academically, but emerge from school as emotionally literate and socially competent individuals. The introduction of SEAL helps to make the school environment a more welcoming and positive place for all involved, as when pupils emotional needs are met their ability to become confident and engaged learners is improved. That is why, here at Optimus Education, we decided to make sure that you had a resource that could support you in doing this.
We have produced 2 bestselling books that help address the implementation of SEAL across the whole school, by creating assemblies that help tackle the most important issues.
Read on to find out more about Primary SEAL Assemblies or click here to find out more information about Secondary SEAL Assemblies
Primary SEAL Assemblies Reinforce the SEAL ethos across the whole-school Tailor-made to suit your own approach |
Primary SEAL Assemblies: Tailor made to follow the SEAL agenda
Primary SEAL Assemblies provides 40 ready-made assemblies – divided into ‘themes’ under the same headings as those used by the SEAL programme itself:
- New beginnings
- Getting on and falling out
- Say no to bullying
- Going for goals
- Good to be me
- Relationships and changes
Each assembly can also be used completely independently of SEAL and are designed to be perfect for all pupils, regardless of age or ability.
Save time – no need for preparation!
The stories within each assembly are clear with lots of characters. Simple, predominantly family or school, settings are used, against which familiar dilemmas, problems and joyful events are played out.
Each assembly is written to be read aloud meaning that you can pick an assembly off the shelf and deliver it minutes later with the confidence, knowing that you can rely on the content at those times when there is little or no time to prepare.
Tailor-made to suit your own approach
Each assembly offers the chance for your pupils to participate so that they can become fully involved in the meaning of the story being told and therefore understand the message more clearly.
Though there are clear indicators within most of the assemblies, we have made sure that all of the assemblies included have room for you to be able to tailor them to your school’s needs. We have made sure that nothing can get in the way of individual approaches to delivering an assembly.
Click here to order your copy of Primary SEAL Assemblies
An overview of some of the stories included in
Primary SEAL Assemblies
Please read on for an overview of some of the stories included in this exciting new set of assemblies. SAY NO TO BULLYING
The silent bully
Amy knows that another girl in her class is being bullied by text messages. The problem is she is friends with the group of girls who are doing the bullying and she doesn’t like their victim very much either. Amy describes the choices she has and why she made the decision she eventually took.
The aim of this assembly is to show children that bullying has consequences for everyone – even those who are not directly involved – and that doing ‘the right thing’ is not always easy.
Julie gives up smoking
Simone’s big sister decides to give up smoking. The family all pitch in to help her, and each person decides on a goal of their own – Simone wants to stop biting her nails, Mum is going to lose some weight. Together they make progress.
The aim of the assembly is to help children to see the importance of the support of family and friends in achieving goals.
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Visiting Dad
Josh goes to see his dad most Saturdays. He wonders whether in time his dad will stop wanting him to come, and he looks to him for reassurance.
The aim of the assembly is to explain that a parent who’s left home loves his or her child just as much as before.
Grandpa’s funeral
Shmuel is asked to read at his grandpa’s funeral. Shmuel wants to say goodbye properly but is worried about speaking in front of lots of people.
The aim of this assembly is to help children come to terms with taking part in a funeral as well as managing their feelings on the occasion.
Click here to order your copy of Primary SEAL Assemblies
Secondary SEAL Assemblies Reinforce the SEAL ethos across the whole-school Tailor-made to suit your own approach |
Supporting the social and emotional aspects of learning
The assemblies are categorised into five sections in line with five SEAL key aspects:
Managing feelings
Social skills
Helping pupils become emotionally literate adults is an important part of your role as a teacher. A good way to implement SEAL across the whole school is to start with assemblies.
Click here to order your copy of Secondary Assemblies for SEAL
Assembly Structure:
Very much mirroring the style of the popular title The Secondary Assembly File, the message within each assembly is either implicit or more explicit, though there is considerable overlap of social and emotional learning between the sections. Each assembly is structured in the same way with:
Engagement – this gives the main background to the story – it is the section that will set the scene for the rest of the assembly.
Response – this part of the assembly draws a parallel between the story being told and the SEAL aspect dealt with in the section.
Meditation/prayer – this is not affiliated with any particular religion and therefore can be used in any school setting.
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The assemblies are designed to be delivered to a large, mixed-ability audience. They do, however, contain additional material that can be used within the wider curriculum:
Leading questions can be used within form tutorial or PSHE lessons to extend students’ response to the issues raised.
Something to do contains a variety of activities to reinforce understanding of those issues.
Click here to order your copy of Secondary Assemblies for SEAL
Summary of content
Read on for a summary of the assemblies included in each section:
Wonder Woman
Students are encouraged to consider how athlete Carolina Kluft uses the profile provided by her exceptional talent to be a positive example in this assembly.
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider Desmond Tutu’s role in the reintegration of racial groups in South Africa.
Being Harry Potter
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the comparison between the real life of Daniel Radcliffe, the actor, and the fictional life of Harry Potter.
Johnny Wilkinson – the pressure to succeed
In this assembly students, particularly those recognised as Gifted and Talented, are encouraged to consider the pressure to succeed.
Take heart
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the story of the footballer Kanu whose experience of a potentially career-threatening heart condition led him to create a charity helping those with a similar problem in his home country of Nigeria.
The bravest woman in Afghanistan
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the bravery of Malalai Joya, the Afghani MP.Paul
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Truth and reconciliation
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider two stories, one from South Africa, one from Northern Ireland, in which individuals attempt to cope with the consequences of political murder.
Dealing with Bo! Selecta
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the way the singer Craig David coped with being made a figure of fun.
Remember, remember the 11th of September
In this assembly students are encouraged to explore empathy with those who experience great tragedies.
Mind games with elephants
In this assembly students are encouraged to consider the way elephants in captivity suffer the same emotional issues faced by humans. The work of Pat Derby in providing a refuge for these animals is recounted.
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