Every year schools recruit new members of staff, from headteachers, to teachers, to classroom assistants and administrative staff. It is vital that a robust procedure is followed for all interviews to ensure that the successful candidate is a suitable person to work with children and young people
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Perhaps more than any other inspection judgement, ‘The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures’ has caused anxiety amongst schools. Here are some suggestions for how you might prepare.
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Record keeping is an essential part of a school’s role in child protection; it is vital that it is done accurately and managed carefully and securely
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You never know when disclosure might happen, or to whom. Suzanne O’Connell provides practical guidance to share with all staff and volunteers
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Most schools are aware of their duty to provide child protection training, but did you know that you are required to ensure that all members of staff are inducted effectively in child protection at the time when they first join the school? Suzanne O’Connell gives detailed advice on how to structure this training
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In this e-bulletin we look at the sensitive issue of how to work with parents and carers when you have a concern over the wellbeing of their child
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This is the first issue of a new series of e-bulletins on child protection. They are designed to be practical and accessible and to help you in your role of designated person for child protection within school
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