Global citizenship and critical thinking were key elements of this three-year collaborative project
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A successful peer support scheme has encouraged students to participate at Flegg High School in Norfolk. Mike Ward, deputy headteacher, discusses the evolution of the scheme and how increased student involvement has had real benefits to the school
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The ASDAN curriculum offers pupils a unique opportunity to achieve recognition for personal and social development skills. Chief Executive Roger White charts the development and benefits of this curriculum framework and explains why it is as relevant today as when it started
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How can you create an exciting series of citizenship lessons that will develop knowledge and understanding amongst your key stage 3 students? Catherine Johnson discusses her successes
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Helping primary students engage with the key stage 2 citizenship curriculum can be challenging. One tactic is to use sport as a vehicle for understanding rules and fairness. This example looks at cricket
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Emotional literacy is a skill much more innate in children than in adults. This means that, when teaching SEAL, we need to be in touch with our own emotions and needs, explains emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni
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The protection of older young people, particularly from the ages 16 to 18, can be overlooked. One serious case review of the suicide of a 16-year-old girl highlights the issues involved, explains Jenni Whitehead
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What is the role of personal and social development, or PSHE, in delivering national outcomes for children and young people? Marilyn Tew, chair of NSCoPSE discusses
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A resource developed by ECPAT UK raises pupil's awareness of child trafficking and invites them to make an informed decision about joining a campaign
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What makes young people want to commit suicide, and, crucially, how can we prevent it? Jenni Whitehead looks at research and approaches to helping
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Do you know your way around educational employment law? Does your school's pay and remuneration package meet or exceed minimum standards? Tamara Ludlow gives a legal overview of essential information for both leadership teams and staff
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The statistics regarding childhood health and overweight children are alarming, says Roger Smith. Here are some practical suggestions to promote healthy eating habits in children
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Life is full of ups and downs. Being able to identify and rationalize serious issues can contribute towards pupils' wellbeing and improve their outlook on life
Exploring thinking skills in a learning process that is also a social experience. This activity will encourage pupils to acquire information, ideas and skills and develop values, ways of thinking and the means to express themselves
Working in a multi-agency environment to positively engage targeted young people, Paul Rogers explains why no two days are ever the same
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Thousands of events are taking place throughout the UK as part of Fairtrade Fortnight 2008 which runs until the 9th of March
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Ingrid Sutherland outlines controversial new guidance on the provision of sexual health services in schools
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Some people think that children under five are too young to express opinions, but Sara Bryson and her colleagues found ways of ensuring that babies and children were at the heart of the decision-making process read more
In the countdown to 2012, the Young Ambassadors program is striving to ensure the much-vaunted legacy of the London Olympics becomes a reality
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A recent research review reveals exactly what pupils want from the curriculum read more
Annie Beaumont says that honesty, respect and trust are the foundations for getting on together read more
Jon Handcock outlines the latest British Red Cross initiative for acquiring first aid skills read more
A school’s approach to internal disputes is a test of its commitment to justice, equity and peace. Jeremy Cunningham shows how schools can ensure 'just' disciplinary procedures, which are compatible with Human Rights Act, ECM and the Healthy Schools Standard, and can be applied across the school
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History can help young people to see the ‘big picture’ about enslavement, says E Kay Traille read more
Barry Griffiths summarizes key points of an online debate about family relationships read more
School leaders need a national strategy for citizenship education if they are to build on the excellent practice of those who have grasped citizenship as a tool for school transformation argues Tony Breslin, chief executive of the Citizenship Foundation
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Storytelling can offer a range of opportunities for learning across all ages and ability levels. Fred Redwood explains how
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Entrepreneurial activities can help young people gain respect, says Madeleine White
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Schools can develop strategies to improve fairness and freedom in terms of their students' future education and employment opprtunities, says Diane Bebbington
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Liz Thomas describes how a holistic ESDGC strategy for action operates in Wales read more
Empowering young people throughout the Commonwealth to become active citizens is one of the goals of the Council for Education in the Commonwealth. Gertrude Shotte reports on its work read more
The National Curriculum statement of values has been misunderstood, says Graham Haydon read more
How can we help young people deal better with the losses they experience? Secondary drama teacher and SEAL coordinator Julie Leoni reflects on her own experiences read more
Looking after other people's children is responsible work, says Sue Dale Tunnicliffe read more
New technologies offer an interactive approach to developing social skills in schools and colleges, as Les Cowan explains read more
Graham Haydon responds to the prominence of wellbeing in the news
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Rights literacy is core to inclusion and wellbeing and should underpin schooling, argues Hilary Hunt, who here explains what you need to know about human rights education
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Teaching citizenship helps children to understand rights and responsibilities - their own and others' - as well as how society works and how they can play an active role. Margaret Collins discusses, suggesting ways in which she believes schools can help to make society a better place
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This sensitive area should be part of every setting’s PSE programme, says Margaret Collins
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Diversity and Citizenship in the Curriculum: Research Review is a recent DfES research briefing that looks at the way in which citizenship and diversity is taught across the curriculum. read more
What happens when your child AND your partner are both at home sick? Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni discusses the issues raised by her experiences read more
The pressures created by a high-performance culture made it difficult for the children at one primary school to learn and collaborate. Tamara Bibby, a lecturer at the Institute of Education in London, explains read more
Fred Redwood reports on a fitness profiling computer system for schools and colleges read more
Schools need to unpack ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’, say Jacek Brant and Alastair Falk read more
Anjana Khatwa explores the implications of acquiring World Heritage Site status read more
Daniel Raven-Ellison shows how geographical thinking makes sense of the world
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Julia Frankl argues that studying the abolition of slavery and human rights challenges modern day discrimination
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‘Community cohesion’ is now a legal obligation on school governors and we must make the best of it, says Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). He asks how teaching of history could contribute to this objective. read more
Celine West shows how head spanners and glass eyes can be used to unpack prejudice. read more