The important role of governors in school improvement is acknowledged in a report by the National Audit Office. read more
This article explores the pros and cons to a number of different classroom seating patterns
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All current research on student achievement challenges the traditionally held mythology that the bright will always do well in whatever circumstances and that ‘borderline’ pupils fare better at the top of secondary modern schools rather than ‘struggling’ in grammar schools – a view entrenched in the attitudes of able students at The Thomas Aveling, a high school.
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Jo McShane, South Tyneside’s gifted and talented and Aimhigher manager explains why raising the aspirations of gifted students is a key part of her work. read more
There are many theories about boys’ underachievement in our education system, but it’s important that schools are given direct, practical ways to tackle it at ground level read more
Gifted and talented strand coordinator Sue Sayer describes her work as leader for G&T and creativity for her excellence cluster and explains how a Classroom of the Future has influenced the teaching and learning of pupils in the Camborne, Pool and Redruth Success Zone read more
The able, gifted and talented continue to make strides at the first school to receive NACE’s Challenge Award, as deputy headteacher and G&T coordinator David Futerman explains read more
Groupwork needs a bigger role in classroom practice, according to the findings of the SPRinG (Social Pedagogic Research into Groupwork) project, carried out over five years by researchers at the universities of London, Cambridge and Brighton. read more