We are delighted to welcome Dr Christine Harrison, who worked with Black and Wiliam on the influential resource, Working inside the Black Box: Assessment for Learning in the Classroom. She’ll help you create a student-centred approach to AfL that develops more personalised teaching and learning throughout your school.
Keith Harris, Senior Advisor for Assessment and Personalisation, National Strategies, will also be joining us to give you an insight into the future of assessment at key stage 3 since the demise of SATS.
Leading practitioner, Paul Barber, Teaching and Learning Coordinator from Downlands Community School, will then show you how it works in practice as he shares the case study of how his school used APP to raise achievement.
A range of experts and leading practitioners will show you how to:
> Network with other teachers leading AfL and share good practice > Learn about the future of key stage 3 assessment and how to use APP successfully
> Develop your staff’s skills in giving effective feedback to students
Who should attend?
> Assistant and Deputy Headteachers > Curriculum Managers > Heads of Department > LA Advisors
> AfL Consultants
Click here to book your place now.
PLUS: All delegates will be able to download exclusive speaker presentations to take back to school and use in training.