09.00 – 9.45 |
Registration and Refreshments |
09.45 – 10.00 |
Chair’s Welcome and Introduction |
10.00 – 10.30 Keynote 1 |
An update on the latest research in AfL and how you can use it to improve learning at your school Dr Christine Harrison, Head of Assessment Research Unit, Kings College London, Co-author or ‘Working inside the Black Box: Assessment for Learning in the Classroom’ |
10.30 – 11.00 Keynote 2 |
The future of KS3 assessment: the benefits of APP and how it can support your whole-school development of AfL Keith Harris, Senior Advisor for Assessment and Personalisation, National Strategies |
11:00 – 11:10 |
Question and answer session |
11:10 – 11.40 |
Morning Refreshments |
11.40 – 12:10 Keynote 3 |
Case study: embedding AfL in your school’s teaching and learning culture |
12:10 – 13:10 |
Streamed Sessions 1 |
1A |
1B |
1C |
1D |
Student self assessment: developing a student-centred approach to learning and target setting Michael Preston, AfL Consultant |
Creating a consistent approach to AfL through effective CPD: developing your staff’s skills in assessment |
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of AfL: from the classroom to a whole-school level Mandi Horwood, Roseland Community College & Linda Baines, Penair School, ASTs in AfL |
Using data to develop and sustain a target setting culture as part of your AfL strategy Kevin Debney, Headteacher, QEMS |
13:10 – 14:10 |
Lunch |
14:10 – 15:10 |
Streamed Sessions 2 |
2A |
2B |
2C |
1D |
Practical tips on effective questioning and feedback to develop learners Andy Brumby, Teaching and Learning Consultant |
Case study on Assessing Pupil Progress: using APP to raise achievement Paul Barber, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Downlands Community School |
Providing helpful marking feedback and setting students’ targets Monica Saez-Aros, Strategy Leader for Learning and Teaching, St Bernard’s Catholic High School |
Supporting the development of pupils’ personal, learning and thinking skills through AfL Anne de A’Echevarria, Director, Thinkwell Consultancy |
15:10 – 15:30 |
Afternoon Refreshments |
15:30 – 16:30 |
Streamed Sessions 3 |
3A |
3B |
3C |
3D |
Practical tips on effective questioning and feedback to develop learners Andy Brumby, Teaching and Learning Consultant |
Achieving whole-staff uptake of AfL: reducing variability in practice |
Providing helpful marking feedback and setting students’ targets Monica Saez-Aros, Strategy Leader for Learning and Teaching, St Bernard’s Catholic High School |
Effective peer assessment: adaptable strategies to improve learning in every classroom Mandi Horwood, Roseland Community College & Linda Baines, Penair School, ASTs in AfL |
16:30 |
Conference Close |