Expert education lawyers will provide you with essential guidance so you can return to school confident of your school’s legal position and avoid the penalties of noncompliance.
Mark Blois, Head of Education Law, Browne Jacobson will navigate you through changes to the School Admissions Code, clearly setting out your responsibilities so you can effectively update your current arrangements and avoid making common mistakes that can lead to costly appeals.
Elizabeth Passmore, School Adjudicator, will draw on recent cases referred to the Adjudicators to provide evidence-based guidance so you have a strong understanding of how complaints will be handled should you face objections to your arrangements.
Ingrid Sutherland, Consultant for the Advisory Centre for Education will clarify and unravel the updated School Appeals Code to ensure you are well informed on changes, how decisions will be made and your responsibility to provide evidence so you can ensure you are prepared. In addition you will have the opportunity to attend practical workshops, tailored to your needs, so you can really get to grips with the duties being placed upon you.
This conference will help you to:
– Understand exactly what is and is not allowed in your admission policy – Avoid common errors in oversubscription criteria that can lead to decisions being overturned at appeal – Explore your powers to investigate fraudulent applications for fairer admissions to your school
– Update your knowledge on your obligations towards Fair Access Protocols so you are certain of what you can and cannot be forced to do
Who should attend?
– Secondary Headteachers
– Deputy Headteachers – Admissions Officers and Managers
– Governors
– Clerks to Governors
– Bursars
Click here to book your place now.
PLUS: All delegates will be able to download exclusive speaker presentations to take back to school and use in training.