Derick Martin gives his view of what schools need to do to get pupils to eat healthy meals regularly
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Kathy Roddy offers advice to schools on dealing with the ethical issues raised by some forms of fundraising
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Gill O’Donnell finds ways to go shopping for extra school funds
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James Croft looks at ways to tighten up on your spending on ICT
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With several years of membership of SLTs across different school phases, as well as mentoring and training school business managers, Nickii Messer uses her experience to provide invaluable tried and tested tips on how to enjoy being a member of the senior leadership team
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Registration with the Vetting and Barring Scheme was placed on hold in June. Lawyers Yvonne Spencer and Christine Betts explain schools’ current obligations and consider what changes the new government’s review could bring in
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What are the pros and cons of switching status under the new law? And what steps do you take if you decide to go ahead? Ingrid Sutherland explains
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The school business manager is an important member of a school’s SLT – but can face difficulties being accepted as such. Ruth Bradbury offers advice on overcoming these barriers
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It’s vital that school business managers avoid inadvertently leaving gaps between the school’s budget and its development plan. This ebulletin flags up ways to avoid these gaps and keep your budget in line with the school’s development needs
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A new report has found that well deployed teaching assistants help raise a school’s attainment. David Gordon looks at the details
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In an educational management world filled with assessment, the FMSiS may seem at first to be yet another drain on the school business manager’s time – but this ebulletin shows the vital supportive role it can play for all of those involved in leading the school
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What do the four main parties (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green) have to say about education?
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This issue takes a deeper look at the role of the educational visits coordinator, answering some of the queries raised by readers about charging, staffing and organisation procedures
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The roles of school business manager (SBM) and educational visits coordinator (EVC) have many parallel responsibilities. As people often hold both posts, we look at what is involved in organising a school visit
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All workplaces must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ so that staff with disabilities are not hampered in their work, and schools are no exception. This issue shows how you can help to support disability equality for staff in your school, and who can provide you with the advice and funding to do this
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This issue looks at the differences between leadership and management, and examines the skills and dispositions involved these vital aspects of your work
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Our second e-bulletin concentrates on the induction of new support staff and aims to provide schools with a starting point for developing a school-based induction programme
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Welcome to the first edition of our new e-bulletin, School Financial Management, written by School Business Manager Lindsey Lester. This issue will be looking at the new staffing agreement of ‘rarely cover’
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The Audit Commission wants schools, including SENCOs, to show that they are getting value for money from their SEN and AEN budgets, and has produced the tools they need
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The role of finance director at an academy school is potentially a very attractive career opportunity for ambitious school business managers and bursars. Ruth Bradbury explains why
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While many schools engage in fundraising for Children in Need, some are unaware that they can apply for Children in Need funding for projects at their own school
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There is value in building a working link between school governors and school business managers says Crispin Andrews, who strongly advises bringing them into the senior leadership team
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The BSF initiative (Building School for the Future) is providing high levels of investment, but changes must be able to stand the test of time. Philip Watson looks at the questions schools need to consider
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How can your school benefit from the first UK staged Olympics since 1948? Gill O'Donnell explains what financial funding support is available to help prepare you
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Development changes in your workforce which make flexible use of vital support staff teams will do much to encourage school improvement in general, believes Brian Rossiter, headteacher of Valley School in Worksop
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Timely fee payments at independent schools can be achieved through a clear fee policy and a watertight contract, but if this fails you may need to go to court. Maggie Moodie explains
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Gill O'Donnell explores more external funding opportunities that school bursars can source in order to spice up their science curriculum
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What can schools in the UK learn about fundraising from their American counterparts? US-based education writer Michael Aguilar looks at how a school in Georgia has used fundraising as a key tool to enhance educational opportunities for the next generation of students
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School business managers can use their influence and expertise to ensure effective CPD and professionalisation of support staff. Nina Siddle describes the role she recently played in reviewing her school's policies
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The new National Professional Qualification for Headship pilot is underway. Crispin Andrews talks to one of the first participants
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Schools are increasingly turning to Public Finance Initiatives to finance large building projects. Mark Blois looks at how it works
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How can the process for meeting the government's Financial Management Standard be made more manageable for school governors? Lindsey Wharmby offers some tips
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Effective school staff recruitment is an imperative part of school management. Ruth Bradbury provides advice to ensure the effective operation of your school's recruitment practices
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There can be inherent funding challenges involved with gaining specialist status for your school. Crispin Andrews explains how the expanded community role of specialist schools has important financial implications
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The government has made £327m funding available for investment into schools to increase choice and diversity of provision. Deputy headteacher Paul Ainsworth studies the guidance and summarises the key opportunities for school leadership teams
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Are you fully up-to-date with the latest guidance on preventing arson in your school? Gill O'Donnell provides a comprehensive briefing to make sure that you are
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This is the second of two articles looking at academies, focusing on some of the interesting and developing legal issues relating to the academies programme, including overriding statutory legislation, obligations under the funding agreement, academies’ duty of care, and issues of health and safety and negligence
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With an increase in software and handheld learning in modern-day education, Tim Roots, director of IT vision, explains why headteachers should have a sound understanding of asset management
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What can be done to bring enthusiasm into the teaching and learning of science? Gill O'Donnell describes the role school bursars can play using external funding
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Jill Cameron gives a comprehensive briefing on the highs and lows of the Building Schools for the Future initiative from her personal experience with the programme
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A private finance initiative (PFI) project can transform a school. Headteacher Brian Rossiter describes the final stages of his school's project, the initial aim of which was to turn his school into an educational establishment for the future
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With an increasing number of schools placing business managers on the senior leadership team, Lindsey Lester offers some of her own experience to others who are about to embark on this role
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Once implemented, VLEs can be used as an integrated tool to improve students' progress and school administration. School business managers and bursars are key to this development, in terms of sustaining the VLE
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Do you know your way around educational employment law? Does your school's pay and remuneration package meet or exceed minimum standards? Tamara Ludlow gives a legal overview of essential information for both leadership teams and staff
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We've been collecting your stories about the inspiring and encouraging experiences you’ve had at work during 2008. Here is a collection of the leadership and management themed responses you sent to the question, What has been your most positive experience at work this year?
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Is accessing a grant to fund educational improvements to your school something that interests you? Gill O'Donnell explains the scope of the Foyle Foundation and how it could benefit your institution
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Some believe that a fashion for school staff "clean-outs" when new headteachers take over is resulting in experience and knowledge being lost from the system. Former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), Richard Bird, discusses
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Schools that are properly prepared for employment tribunal hearings can minimise cost and maximise their likelihood of success, writes Tamara Ludlow
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School business managers and bursars can play a key role in ensuring their schools establish efficient and effective visual learning environments
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Has increased SEN delegated funding led to fewer statements? Roger Inman looks at the friction between the law and new ways of providing for learning difficulties in the mainstream
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