Penny Cottee offers some top tips on self-evaluation and the teaching of school sport read more
Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith argue that it is increasingly important for school finance managers – especially those aspiring to lead schools – to understand the process of teaching and learning read more
Nina Siddle explains how a primary cluster in East Yorkshire tackled the challenge of providing high-quality ICT support read more
Ruth Bradbury offers a wealth of practical advice on getting the most from the extended schools initiative read more
Climate change is in the headlines every day. What are schools doing about this issue? Angela Youngman looks at the Eco-Schools programme
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Wireless technology is useful, but raises health concerns. Vicky Lapins looks at schools’ obligations for safer use read more
Which is more important — a pupil's right to privacy, or the public interest in education? Michael Segal examines a case where a city council sought an injunction against a television documentary in which its pupils were badly portrayed
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Martin Ainsworth, headteacher of Wellfield Business and Enterprise College and chairperson of South Ribble Learning Foundation explains how group working has helped 14 educational establishments reduce isolation and increase effectiveness read more
Brin Best explains why your school’s fundraising work will not be truly effective unless it is underpinned by a clear vision and strategy
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Small schools have limited resources and some funding streams can be very restrictive. Paul Ainsworth describes how one group of schools is seeking to overcome these problems read more
In the first part of a series on marketing, Early Years Update looks at the vital area of creating an 'image' as part of marketing and promoting your organisation read more
Joining forces brings benefit, but there are implications for governance, employment, and leadership, writes Mark Blois
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Your school profile communicates essential information to parents. Roger Smith gives tips on how to present that information in a positive way read more
Recognising and minimising risk in the school environment is a vital part of a headteacher’s management role, says former head Roger Smith read more
No organisation can operate effectively without good quality information, provided in good time. Governors need the right sort of information, provided in an accessible format, to play their full part in effective governance. Martin Pounce reports read more
Tracy Doyle maps out a way to align the budget process with the school improvement plan read more
Schools face a huge procurement challenge, and the DfES has set up services to help them make savings read more
The CPR Learning Space is a building with a 'wow' factor, providing services to schools and the wider community. Jane West looks at its development
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What's an acceptable collective term for all the school business managers, administrators, catering staff, HR professionals, caretakers, secretaries and everyone else other than teachers? read more
A major new report could herald a new era in the leadership of schools, paving the way for the first headteachers to be appointed from finance, not teaching backgrounds read more
There are pros and cons of chosing to take the franchise option to expand. Angela Youngman reports read more
Donald Maclean outlines some of the latest techniques and new technologies being introduced to help school finance staff keep utility costs under control read more
The school business manager’s role goes beyond simply managing finances, says Hilary Morrison read more
Sharon Wallwork provides comprehensive advice on dealing with a decline in student numbers. She argues that, far from being something that only schools in specific circumstances should be concerned about, all educational institutions need to assess the risks of declining numbers and the huge financial implications this can bring read more
What are the benefits of becoming a bank account school? We begin a series of best practice advice features with a look at the implications of a school having its own bank account
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I have just got back from the SFM annual conference in London: a long journey for me, but definitely worth it – not only because it gave me the opportunity to present a couple of sessions, but also because it is encouraging to see the quality and variety of business management professionals who are now working in our schools. read more
Can - and indeed should - someone from a background other than teaching become a school leader? School business manager Ruth Bradbury explains her aspirations to become a school leader and, below, two readers respond with their comment
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As schools open their doors to new categories of visitor, they must take an audit of risk and danger on the premises, writes Sarah Freeston. read more
Working to promote a positive image for your school can be a powerful tool for school improvement and can provide a focus for staff efforts on many fronts, argues Brin Best, education writer and director of Innovation for Education Ltd. read more
Sima Goldsmith considers the environmental and financial implications of the sustainable schools agenda read more
Government initiatives regarding financial management should be accompanied by more training and support, says Geri Skwarek
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Gill O’Donnell argues that schools need to take a proactive approach to fire alarms if they are not to fall foul of the new disability discrimination legislation
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Nina Siddle explains how her school is working to improve the effectiveness of the governing body with respect to the new financial management standard for schools. read more
Ruth Bradbury provides some practical advice for how you can stay ahead of the game. read more
This article explores the legal responsibilities of educational authorities towards a child who misses school due to bullying
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Nina Siddle explains how one school in East Yorkshire found widespread benefits from engaging with the Investors in People programme read more
Ruth Bradbury outlines the cost of staff absence to schools and explains how a range of practical measures can help staff to maintain a better attendance record for the benefit of themselves and the school.
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New rules call for closer cooperation between local authority and school, giving increased protection to children at risk, writes Ingrid Sutherland. read more
Working to meet the standards laid down by Investors in People (IIP) is an effective way of raising standards and improving staff morale, argues former head Roger Smith. read more
No matter how watertight the contract with parents, schools must implement it correctly and fairly if they want removal of a pupil to be upheld, says Mark Blois
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Ollie McFadden describes improvements at Sutton Grammar School for Boys. read more
Involvement in European energy awareness projects can bring a multitude of benefits to the pupils and staff of schools, as well as to the planet, says headteacher David Dixon
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Working to promote a positive image for your school can be a powerful tool for school improvement and can provide a focus for staff efforts on many fronts, argues Brin Best, education writer and director of Innovation for Education Ltd. read more
Christian Webb-Jenkins, of Browne Jacobson LLP, discusses the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 read more
Schools should take note of new reporting and training requirements, as well as changes to appeal panel representation rights, says Ingrid Sutherland
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QUESTION: What considerations should we apply when considering permanent exclusion of a pupil with special educational needs? read more
Taking on an old building is a commitment that can pay dividends, says Angela Youngman. read more
What should employers do when faced with requests for allowances to be made at work on religious grounds? Helen Badger takes a look at the law
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Ruth Bradbury outlines the things that all senior school finance managers need to know in order to contribute effectively to the running of their school
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We outline the key child safety issues to be born in mind when recruiting staff and explain the financial implications of getting it wrong. read more