It’s vital that school business managers avoid inadvertently leaving gaps between the school’s budget and its development plan. This ebulletin flags up ways to avoid these gaps and keep your budget in line with the school’s development needs
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In an educational management world filled with assessment, the FMSiS may seem at first to be yet another drain on the school business manager’s time – but this ebulletin shows the vital supportive role it can play for all of those involved in leading the school
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This issue takes a deeper look at the role of the educational visits coordinator, answering some of the queries raised by readers about charging, staffing and organisation procedures
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The roles of school business manager (SBM) and educational visits coordinator (EVC) have many parallel responsibilities. As people often hold both posts, we look at what is involved in organising a school visit
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All workplaces must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ so that staff with disabilities are not hampered in their work, and schools are no exception. This issue shows how you can help to support disability equality for staff in your school, and who can provide you with the advice and funding to do this
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This issue looks at the differences between leadership and management, and examines the skills and dispositions involved these vital aspects of your work
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School business managers may sometimes be called upon to deal with staff behaviour that is causing problems – this week we look at how to deal effectively with this thorny issue
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Our second e-bulletin concentrates on the induction of new support staff and aims to provide schools with a starting point for developing a school-based induction programme
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Welcome to the first edition of our new e-bulletin, School Financial Management, written by School Business Manager Lindsey Lester. This issue will be looking at the new staffing agreement of ‘rarely cover’
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