Dr Diane Bebbington discusses new human rights initiative the Commission For Equality and Human Rights (CEHR), which aims to support equality and diversity, and its implications for the education of young people
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Creating an effective school read more
Carole Farrar starts a series on communicating with parents by looking at what makes effective communication. read more
School leadership is being reviewed by the DfES. Former head Roger Smith looks at assumptions about what makes a good leader and ponders on where the review will lead. read more
What lessons can be learned from the community education movement to help ensure the success of extended schools? Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at this issue
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Sue Moores, headteacher of a secondary school in the Isle of Man, compares the island’s educational system with that of England and concludes that she won’t be moving back here! read more
Headteacher Ian Bauckham attacks some common myths about faith schools and argues that their abolition would seriously reduce parental choice as well as being detrimental to the government’s commitment to raising standards.
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Healthy meals for children, pristine premises and lovely grounds are within the grasp of every school, argues headteacher Mark Barnett
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Anne Clarke explores the role of the headteacher and asks: ‘Is the notion of a headteacher an out-of-date concept?’ read more
Pat Barnes, education consultant and former head, suggests ways to manage and make the most of parental help in schools
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Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), suggests that heads – and those appointing them – should consider the myths they need to match. read more
Headteacher Anne Clarke takes a close look at the roles and responsibilities of school governors and highlights the importance of creating a positive and trusting relationship with them.
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Headteacher Carole Hawkins lays to rest the common perception that independent schools enjoy a privileged and problem-free position in today’s education market
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Jenni Whitehead summarises the 2006 consultation paper on 'Safer Recruitment and Vetting in the Education Service'. read more
Barbara Lawrie, principal education social worker for Education Bradford, gives a summary of her research into possible risk factors that may be significant in allegations made against education staff
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The sentences given out in a number of recent high-profile sexual abuse cases has caused a great deal of debate about the length of sentence and the judgements made by high court judges. Jenni Whitehead discusses the current issues.
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A review of the attitudes of the whole school towards global citizenship resulted in changes to the School Development Plan. read more
The cashless school will bring a dramatic range of benefits for students, parents and schools. read more
Charitable trusts give more than £350m to education annually. Louise Germaney looks at some of the biggest grant-giving foundations. read more
A whole-school approach to food and health is fundamental to establishing good dietary habits and an understanding of the links between good nutrition and future health. In this article Anna Denny shows how shools can support children in leading a healthy lifestyle. read more
Many communities are keen to know what is happening in local schools and the profile of your school can be raised and presented in a positive light by successful use of the media. This counters a great deal of the damage done to the public view of education by more generalised central reporting, where sensationalism is the main criterion for publishing/reporting. By Linda Trapnell read more
There is always room for enhancing the curriculum through the creation and development of special events in school that pull teachers, pupils, local businesses and the wider community together, writes Rosemary Cairns read more
Richard Bird, legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), looks at the advantages currently enjoyed by schools with foundation status and ponders where they fit into the government's vision for the future.
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Headteacher David Dixon considers the inequalities of the schools admissions system, including negative effects on social cohesion and the ability of some schools to raise achievement and attainment. read more
Three out of five secondary pupils say that they have experienced bullying, despite the efforts that schools have made to get on top of the problem. Former headteacher Roger Smith looks at ways of dealing with the instigators
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School meals are in the news again, as Hull City Council announces the success of its free healthy lunch programme for primary and special school pupils. read more
One of our pupils is in care and has a statement of SEN. Her parents disagree with the statement's provisions and plan to appeal to the special educational needs and disability tribunal. Which takes precedence, SENDIST or the family court? read more
The BSF scheme relies on successful public-private partnerships. Sharon Jones and Rachel Williams look at how the local authority goes about putting these in place. read more
When does an LEA education officer owe a duty of care to pupils? How far does this duty extend? Michael Segal looks at important new case law. read more
What duty of care does a school educational psychologist owe a pupil and, if the psychologist is negligent, what damages will the LEA be liable for? read more
Does the law help or hinder those charged with protecting such pupils?
Ingrid Sutherland cuts a path through existing, new and ‘improved’ guidance. read more
Judith Harwood, senior regional adviser on the secondary strategy for school improvement, reports on the breadth of the pilot work being undertaken in secondary schools to promote Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL).
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Amelia Wallington looks at what schools can do to counteract increasing appeals from parents.
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The new framework comes into effect this September. It will give schools more freedom — but this comes with tough new duties, says Mark Blois
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This case study follows the change process in a school that, under the effective leadership of a new headteacher, was able to transform its culture from one of a once cruising school to a highly successful moving school with an enviable local and national reputation
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The joint DfES/DH guidance Education of Children and Young People in Public Care (May 2000) recommended that schools assign a senior member of staff as designated teacher to act as a champion for looked after children. A new guide for school governors on their role in helping schools support these children will be helpful to SENCOs in defining the designated teacher role and offering useful information and explanations about what ‘looked after’ means. read more
A new report evaluates the New Relationship with Schools (NRwS) in trial local authorities and schools. read more
Ofsted says it is ‘very pleased – but not complacent’ at the way its new style school inspections are going. read more
The Government has just published an Independent Study into School Leadership, which includes recommendations on training and recruitment of leaders. This article examines the current shortage of leadership candidates, and contrasts this with the surplus of NQTs
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In February 2006, it was announced that Secondary schools in England were to receive a guaranteed minimum increase in their core funding of 3.4% per pupil for 2006-07. read more
The DfES has issued a new version of the Governing Body Decision Planner which it first produced in 2000 as part of guidance clarifying the roles of governing bodies and heads. read more
According to the DfES: ‘Governing Bodies are and will be school leaders.’ (Governing the School of the Future, 2005). read more
Spring 2006 heralds the arrival of the National Governors’ Association (NGA) as the National Association of School Governors (NASG) and the National Governors’ Council (NGC) have merged into a single entity. read more
The government is encouraging primary schools to set up school councils. read more
Some time this term your school will be sent an email which will give a site reference and password for downloading the template of your school profile. read more
An implementation plan for the government’s reform of 14-19 education has been published. read more
Ofsted has criticised the level of support many schools are receiving from their governing bodies to help them implement the government’s programme for remodelling the school workforce. read more
Headteachers have welcomed the government’s plans to give them more powers to discipline students but say they are yet to be convinced that the move will make a great deal of difference in dealing with bad behaviour. read more
The government is hoping that the concessions it has made to critics of its education white paper will be enough to get its new Education and Inspections Bill through parliament. read more
A report by Ofsted is largely enthusiastic about the success of a selection of full service extended schools. read more