Sima Goldsmith considers the environmental and financial implications of the sustainable schools agenda read more
Q – SOMETIMES a child suffers so badly from bullying that parents keep her at home. But is this legally justified? read more
Nina Siddle explains how one school in East Yorkshire found widespread benefits from engaging with the Investors in People programme read more
Pat Barnes, education consultant and former head, urges headteachers to take a fresh look at their work-life balance. read more
New rules call for closer cooperation between local authority and school, giving increased protection to children at risk, writes Ingrid Sutherland. read more
Christian Webb-Jenkins, of Browne Jacobson LLP, discusses the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 read more
New maternity and flexible working rights mean employers must brush up on the law, says Derek Eccleston. read more
No matter how watertight the contract with parents, schools must implement it correctly and fairly if they want removal of a pupil to be upheld, says Mark Blois. read more
A proposed change in the law would raise the legal age for purchasing tobacco. Peter Downes discusses the implications for schools. read more
Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), analyses the vital role an outgoing head has to play in the succession process. read more