Chris Webb-Jenkins walks you through the new vetting and barring regime, which comes into effect in autumn 2008
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Schools and colleges that work in partnership provide a better offer to their students, make faster progress and improve their performance, says Robert Hill read more
Have you ever been attracted by the financial freedom of academies but wondered what the drawbacks are? Gary Dawson guides you through the issues read more
Headteacher Kim Sparling explores how targets in schools can be used most effectively
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Business managers and bursars are ideally placed to help their schools develop more robust approaches to fundraising, argue Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith
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What does the Children's Plan have to say about shaping up a more emotionally literate education system? read more
Anne Clarke, principal of Benton Park School, discusses the value of departmental SEFs
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Can individual governors really make a difference? Joan Sallis looks at how and why governors should get under the skin of their school read more
Is there a lack of leadership initiative in your governing body? David Marriott looks at the importance of leadership development for governors read more
Michele Robbins asks what issues arise most frequently in governor training sessions, and looks at how governors are responding to changes in performance management read more
Angela Youngman explores the problem of achieving maximum security in schools whilst maintaining a pleasant environment read more
The Children’s Plan was launched by Ed Balls in December 2007, but what are the government's objectives for this initiative?
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Michael Segal explains why a clear school complaints procedure is vital
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The parental fundraising team is a fanstastic resource. Paul Ainsworth and Josephine Smith look at how to maximise the work it does
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It is vital to know the new changes to the law — especially if your school is its own admissions authority, writes Ingrid Sutherland
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Mark Blois provides an update and overview on governing body structure and the complex demands made of governors - and possible changes on the horizon read more
Phil Williams, chair of governors of Kelmscott Secondary School, gives a personal view of his school's involvement in the first wave of the Building Schools for the Future scheme read more
School governor and former headteacher Peter Downes takes the long view on what 'local management' set out to achieve 25 years ago and where he believes it has gone partially wrong read more
Recent research into the experiences of parent governor representatives (PGRs) found confusion over the role, lack of respect and communication difficulties, writes David Gordon read more
Joan Sallis gives advice for governing bodies on appointing a headteacher read more
Steve Smith makes the case to governors for outsourcing the ICT element of Building Schools for the Future projects
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If you thought that Circle Time was just for children, think again! Jenny Mosley explains why the Whole School Quality Circle Time Model focuses first on enhancing the mental health of the adults read more
Lindsey Wharmby puts cost prediction and risk assessment under the spotlight
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While academies have some characteristics of maintained schools, they retain independent status in law. So which rules apply? Richard Gold clarifies read more
A raft of small changes add up to important new duties for all parties to the exclusion process. Ingrid Sutherland runs through what you need to know, in part two of this series
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The genuine occupational requirement defence to a discrimination claim allows schools to set conditions on whom they employ, and can rely on genuine occupational requirments (GOR) as a defence. Tamara Ludlow explains
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Many of the difficulties faced by governing bodies stem from the unresolved tensions between three competing rationales for their work, writes Alan Dyson read more
Becky Swain from Creative Partnerships explains the initiative's aims and how it works with schools to help develop contexts for effective creative learning read more
Paul Howells considers the changing nature of recruitment in our schools, and encourages you to consider how you can best save time while also getting best value read more
How can governors overcome a perceived conflict between being united on the school's behalf and representing distinct interest groups?
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Headteacher Neil Berry explains how Brampton Manor in East London – described by Ofsted in December 1999 as having 'serious weaknesses' – was turned into the fully inclusive, successful school it is today
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Joan Sallis continues her series looking at the issues that concern governors, by focusing on the use of biometric technology in schools read more
Legal Surgery answers a question about exclusion of a violent pupil who has SEN read more
Former headteacher and current chair of governors Mike Walton argues that a closer relationship between parents and governors will benefit the whole school community read more
Climate change is in the headlines every day. What are schools doing about this issue? Angela Youngman looks at the Eco-Schools programme
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The option to collaborate with outside partners is under-used — but it offers benefits that educators would be wise to take note of, as Richard Gold explains
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Which is more important — a pupil's right to privacy, or the public interest in education? Michael Segal examines a case where a city council sought an injunction against a television documentary in which its pupils were badly portrayed
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Rather than see governors as a nuisance to be endured, schools instead should be working with them as an invaluable source of help and advice, argues Colleen Arnold of the National Governors Association read more
Mo Laycock, Headteacher, Firth Park Community Arts College describes the effective model of governance which has contributed to three Ofsted results of 'outstanding' leadership at the school read more
Joan Sallis tackles another of the issues that are important to governors read more
Liz Rowbotham looks at how extended services have worked for one community college read more
School improvement partner (and former headteacher) Trevor Arrowsmith explains what the role involves, how schools can benefit and what difference the initiative has made read more
Roger Whittall, headteacher, The Westwood School, Coventry explains the school improvement strategies that have raised attainment and standards at his school
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Brin Best explains why your school’s fundraising work will not be truly effective unless it is underpinned by a clear vision and strategy
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Small schools have limited resources and some funding streams can be very restrictive. Paul Ainsworth describes how one group of schools is seeking to overcome these problems read more
Cultural diversity calls for comprehensive policy. But what if it doesn’t cover the case at hand? Use common sense and consultation, says Michael Brotherton
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Maintained schools in England are now responsible for providing full-time education for excluded pupils from the sixth day of their exclusion read more
Joan Sallis considers the relationship between the headteacher and governor, and explores mutual expectations and issues of respect read more
Liz Rowbotham, Full Service Extended School Manager at Hengrove Community Arts College, explains her methods of running and evaluating extended services with the help of partnerships read more
Professor Kay Hampton looks back on what has been achieved since the Macpherson report, and sets out the contents of a good race equality policy read more