Gallions Primary School teaches the entire curriculum through the arts, with fantastic results. Co-heads Paul Jackson and Emma McCarthy explain how it’s done
Headteacher Anne Clarke reveals how her personal experience of taking a risk as a headteacher led to success and highlights why risk taking is often vital to school improvement
In this final article in our series on marketing and promotion Early Years Update looks at planning and running a marketing campaign
Headteacher Brian Rossiter outlines his experience of seeking to take advantage of the variety of alternative qualifications available to boost his school’s headline statistics, while at the same time preparing individual pathways into the world of work for his students
The importance of producing accurate and attractive promotional material about your school or setting
In this third article on marketing and promotion, Early Years Update looks at creating a range of promotional material to make potential customers aware of the services you provide
Which is more important — a pupil’s right to privacy, or the public interest in education?
In this second article on marketing and promotion, Early Years Update, looks at how to use market research to find out more about the customers who use your services
In the first part of a series on marketing, Early Years Update looks at the vital area of creating an ‘image’ as part of marketing and promoting your organisation
Your school profile communicates essential information to parents. Roger Smith gives tips on how to present that information in a positive way
Sharon Wallwork provides comprehensive advice on dealing with a decline in student numbers. She argues that, far from being something that only schools in specific circumstances should be concerned about, all educational institutions need to assess the risks of declining numbers and the huge financial implications this can bring
Do you always know what messages your parents are taking away with them? Carole Farrar examines some of the messages that you may be giving out.
Working to promote a positive image for your school can be a powerful tool for school improvement and can provide a focus for staff efforts on many fronts, argues Brin Best, education writer and director of Innovation for Education Ltd.
Working to promote a positive image for your school can be a powerful tool for school improvement and can provide a focus for staff efforts on many fronts, argues Brin Best, education writer and director of Innovation for Education Ltd.
Ross Midgley of the Crocus Early Years group offers some practical ideas for managing payments by voucher.
If your school hit the headlines, how would you cope? Education Bradford’s press and communications officer Paul Parker has some tips.
Marketing a nursery is more than advertising and promotion. Marketing covers other activities, including the development of the nursery, market research and what prices should be charged. Whether your nursery is at the planning stage or is an existing business, you will still have to think about marketing. Joanne Taylor talks us through.
Many communities are keen to know what is happening in local schools and the profile of your school can be raised and presented in a positive light by successful use of the media. This counters a great deal of the damage done to the public view of education by more generalised central reporting, where sensationalism is the main criterion for publishing/reporting. By Linda Trapnell
Some time this term your school will be sent an email which will give a site reference and password for downloading the template of your school profile.
Since the beginning of September, schools have no longer been required to produce an annual governors’ report or hold an annual parents’ meeting.