Bill Moore describes a project that brought together Philosophy for Children and SEAL to improve learning
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An innovative project brought together vulnerable young people with learners from mainstream schools and the University of East Anglia. Dugald Ferguson reports
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It is vital that staff receive the training they need to teach SEAL effectively. Julie Casey describes how she helped schools in one LA to develop a SEAL CPD programme
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High-achieving Park View Community School has placed SEAL at the centre of its approach to the curriculum and pastoral system. Kim Cowie explains
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Deborah Michel investigates a new web-based staff-development resource to support children and young people with behavioural, social and emotional difficulties
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It is essential that children’s social and emotional skills are nurtured and taught as early as possible, in order to give them the best chance of developing healthy emotional and social intelligence later on. Tina Rae offers programme ideas and explains how you can measure progress
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Tina Rae discusses how to use the technique of motivational interviewing (MI) to trigger behaviour change in students. MI accepts that students may not always be ready or willing to modify their behaviour, so focuses on exploring ambivalence before change
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The best way to protect and improve pupil wellbeing at your school is to create support systems to promote staff well-being, says Tina Rae. Having emotionally literate teachers is vital when working with students at risk of developing emotional problems
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Defining stress is quite a difficult and complex process as it can mean different things to different people. Here, Tina Rae gives advice on how to recognise stress in your students, as well as detailing practical approaches at tackling it
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What do the four main parties (Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green) have to say about education?
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In this edition we consider self-harm and discuss what teachers can do to help young people who are vulnerable to self-harm
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The focus of this SEAL-focused e-bulletin is motivation; specifically, how to engage with students who appear disengaged and less resilient within the learning context. Tina Rae reminds practitioners that motivation is a two-way process between the teacher and the student, and offers strategy ideas for improving it through communication to raise self-esteem
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In this third e-bulletin, Tina Rae considers the use of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), which encouragestudents to consider how positive change can be brought about via the principles of 'solution building' as opposed to 'problem solving'
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How to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) approaches with young people to promote positive thinking, feeling and behaviour
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Practical strategies and ideas for supporting pastoral and curriculum leaders and SEAL co-ordinators. This first issue discusses different types of self-esteem, and how to focus on preventing students from engaging in a negative learning cycle
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Author: Gerald Haigh and Jane West
Primary Assemblies for the Global Dimension provides 40 primary school assemblies to add value to your school curriculum by bringing in the added aspect of global dimension
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The transition between schools can be hard. Julie Roberts describes how an action research project on classroom dialogue has been used to explore and overcome some of the barriers to learning across the transition from KS2-3
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Boys and girls learn differently, as Steve Mynard discovered first hand when teaching five-year-old children. Here he explains how equal opportunities in school can be achieved by acknowledging gender differences in school
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Steve Mynard considers gender differences in schools by looking at the social, emotional, intellectual and physical contrasts to bear in mind when teaching boys and girls. He explains we may need to treat them differently in order to give equal opportunities in school to both sexes
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Fostering emotional literacy in teenage boys is that aim of the programme developed by educational psychologist Tina Rae and SENCo Lisa Pedersen. Here they describe it
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What are the social, emotional, intellectual and physical differences between early years boys and girls, and how does this affect their attainment in school? Reception teacher Steve Mynard discusses boys' attainment and SEAL
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School classrooms no longer host one adult and a group of pupils - there are often a team of educational professionals working together, which can have detrimental affects on behaviour. This article offers practical advice and strategies to help all adults working in the classroom to be more effective in their management of behaviour
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This article on social skills concludes Behaviour Matters' series on how implementing the social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) initiative can have a positive effect on pupil behaviour
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Does combining SEAL, Philosophy for Children (P4C) and thinking skills seem like a recipe for effective independent student learning? If so, read Kate Mawer's description of William Parker School's curriculum development for Year 7s
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Developing your pupils' empathy can be an effective way to improve their behaviour. Dave Stott discusses, offering practical tips
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How can teachers motivate their pupils to improve their behaviour? Dave Stott continues the SEAL approach to improving classroom behaviour, offering practical tips
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Effective anger management techniques for pupils can be led by their teacher. This Behaviour Matters continues to look at how SEAL can have a direct link to improving behaviour
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How can pupils' self-awareness, one of the principal domains of the social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) initiative, contribute to improving their behaviour? Dave Stott explains
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Author: Edited by Deborah Michel
For regular and up-to-date information on social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL), our newsletter Social and Emotional Learning Update can provide you with what you need, whether you have a primary or a secondary SEAL focus
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The ASDAN curriculum offers pupils a unique opportunity to achieve recognition for personal and social development skills. Chief Executive Roger White charts the development and benefits of this curriculum framework and explains why it is as relevant today as when it started
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Working with SEAL we try to value people for who they are, not what they've done. That means we need to focus on internal validation, not just on external achievements says Julie Leoni
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Paying attention to pupils' insecurities and social anxieties is very important, argues Robin Banerjee, lecturer at the University of Sussex
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Schools need to be redesigned with a focus on relationships in order to raise achievement, says policy adviser Charles Leadbeater
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A school environment of confidence and respect can raise achievement and emotional literacy. Hazel Pulley, headteacher of Caldecote Community Primary School in Leicester, discusses how she did this in an amalgamated school
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Social skills such as teamwork can be effectively demonstrated and taught using sport. Jody Specht discusses this cross-curricular method
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This SEAL activity for key stage 3 encourages students to celebrate success and achievement
Emotional literacy is a skill much more innate in children than in adults. This means that, when teaching SEAL, we need to be in touch with our own emotions and needs, explains emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni
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Teaching children to pursue happiness can have real effects. Director of SEN service Dr Ruth MacConville writes about the happiness curriculum she developed in the London Borough of Ealing
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What is the role of personal and social development, or PSHE, in delivering national outcomes for children and young people? Marilyn Tew, chair of NSCoPSE discusses
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This free SEAL resource aims to help students with emotional learning by introducing them to the "Happiness Curriculum"
Do you know your way around educational employment law? Does your school's pay and remuneration package meet or exceed minimum standards? Tamara Ludlow gives a legal overview of essential information for both leadership teams and staff
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We've been collecting your stories about the inspiring and encouraging experiences you’ve had at work during 2008. Here is a collection of the SEAL themed responses you sent to the question, What has been your most positive experience at work this year?
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These five SEAL activities, aimed at key stages 3-5, promote a whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing and emotional learning, by helping teachers to engage young people
This 14 page resource discusses the basic format and approach of dilemma-based learning
This CPD Week explores the benefits that encouraging whole-school engagement in Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) can bring for professional development
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SEAL can help young people develop values that will enable them to address challenges in life, says trainer, school improvement partner and former headteacher Jackie Beere
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When dealing with the feelings and behaviour of early years pupils, teachers should try looking at creative ways to approach and deal with problems says Anni McTavish
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Julie Leoni explains why she believes that 'positive strokes', or comfort and support, are key to making her a better educational professional and mother, and how students could benefit from similar encouragement
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