This unique guide written by Gill Bracey provides the tools you need to help all staff embed the self-evaluation process within your school and use it to raise levels of achievement.
Written by Gill Bracey
There are many invaluable guides to help you fill in your self-evaluation form (SEF), both online and on paper. This manual goes one step beyond, to help you and your staff embed the self-evaluation process within the management of teaching and learning within your school.
This manual will enable you to:
use self-evaluation to support school improvement ie the enhancement of teaching and learning, and all other aspects of school life, to raise levels of achievement
use the self-evaluation process as a means of professional development and a contribution to improving the performance of staff, building the capacity and confidence of individual staff, governors and members of the wider community to contribute to the achievement of your school’s goals and the Every Child Matters agenda
assure and improve the quality of the self-evaluation process itself.
The purpose of the manual is to explore and exemplify the relationship between self-evaluation, professional development that enhances the performance of all staff, and school improvement and transformation. The ultimate goal, of course, is that schools are exciting places in which all — students and adults — can learn and achieve!
The manual provides you with:
a self-evaluation cycle, which you can use to shape any self-evaluation activity, whatever its focus
guidelines and questions that you can use to support discussion and debate about selfevaluation, building people’s understanding of, and skills in, the process
exemplification of the self-evaluation cycle in a variety of school contexts, demonstrating how to apply the cycle in practice
ideas and tools for assuring and improving the quality of the self-evaluation process
links to national standards and qualifications
guidelines for getting the best out of the manual.
In addition to helping you to get through the process of self-evaluation, this manual also helps you to:
evaluate progress on your School Improvement Plan priorities, including action points from your last inspection
identify priorities for your next School Improvement Plan
prepare for conversations with your School Improvement Partner
prepare your School Profile
provide evidence for individual staff to use for their performance management or teaching and learning review.