With its emphasis on the needs of children with the most complex support needs, the green paper appears to return to a medical perspective of special education. We look back to the days before statements of SEN to consider whether its proposals take us ‘forward to the past’
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In our last issue, we considered some important principles of multi-agency working and how to establish good relationships amongst professionals from a range of different services and backgrounds. This issue, we consider how SENCOs, as key workers, can organise productive and worthwhile meetings with colleagues
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In the second issue of SENCO Week looking at partnership working, we consider the parent-school relationship and how you can make this as positive and fruitful as possible. In the next issue (151) we will provide some practical ideas for running parent workshop sessions
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Starting off the term focusing on working in partnership, this issue takes an overview on the skills involved in working collaboratively and provides an overview of new publications and initiatives to be aware of
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This issue focuses on planning ahead to create the most effective provision for the next academic year through reviewing what’s happened so far this year, using provision maps and communicating effectively with staff
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Do you base your provision planning on analytical evaluation of what has gone before (in your own setting and in other contexts) or do you tend to use ‘gut feeling’ and what is easiest to organise? This issue takes a look at how SENCOs can take a professional approach to evidence-based practice
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It is the SENCO’s responsibility to be informed about statutory and regulatory frameworks that may affect children with SEN and disabilities within their school. This issue gives an overview of the essential frameworks to be aware of, providing links to helpful information
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With the roll-out of national training for new SENCOs under way, SENCO Week updates you on its learning outcomes
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For the vast majority of teachers good behaviour management is, understandably, their number one priority. Without it, even the best planning and most interesting activities and resources may be totally ineffectual. This issue we consider those pupils whose behaviours present a challenge for mainstream teachers and suggest some strategies for teachers to try out
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In her third installment discussing differentiation, Linda Evans looks at how different types of outcome can translate into effective differentiation
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The first of three SENCO Weeks to deal with differentiation, which refers to all the processes involved in learning which deal with differences in learners and attempts to motivate and assess positively at all levels of achievement
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This copy of SENCO Week looks at how to inbed inclusion as a whole school SEN approach
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Provision maps are a tool used regularly by SENCOs — they enable you to detail the range of support provided for children with SEN in each year group. Linda Evans outlines what you need to remember when preparing them
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Although policy writing and updating is ongoing throughout the year, summer is a key time for this sort of task. This issue we review the school policies that SENCOs and inclusion post-holders need to consider - specifically those regarding young carers and vulnerable groups
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SENCO Week considers the links between SEN and G&T at schools; gifted and talented students are often considered as having specific learning needs and are equally in need of support
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How has the role of SENCo evolved in education? Gareth Morewood argues the importance of having a clear philosophy and acting as an advocate for students with special educational needs (SEN)
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The provision of transport for pupils with SEN, specifically the responsibility of local authorities (LAs) in this area is discussed here by Michael Segal
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Improvement in PE and sport can have cross curricular benefits across a pupil's school career. Lisa Symonds looks at how a rejuvenated look at sport had a positive impact on SEN and G&T students, as well as on PSHE and self-confidence, at three schools across the UK
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The vulnerable group of looked-after children (LAC) has had particular focus recently, in terms of raising their educational aspirations and achievement
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The free SEN resource for early years professionals and primary school teachers offers a number of observation sheets for individuals and groups. Each sheet is offered as a blank and as a filled-in example
For the families of children with SEN and disabilities, positive relationships between school staff and parents is an especially important issue. This SENCO Week considers how SENCOs can engage with parents and carers
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A review of research on SEN and inclusion has found competing agendas in schools for SEN, inclusion, and standards raising, which may create problems for teachers
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Parents must be centrally involved in decision-making if the SEN system is to be changed for the better, says Lucy Wilkins
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Mentoring schemes are an approach endorsed by the DCSF, and a number of independent organisations offer direct support to schools. Linda Evans discusses mentoring schemes as well as other forms of peer support
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What is the definition of special educational needs? What acts should SENCos be up to date on? This issue of SENCO Week serves as a brief but essential legal summary for SENCos
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An innovative intervention programme to support children with motor coordination difficulties is described here, by Mhairi Archibald and Amanda Sangster
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The demands of the SENCO role should not outweigh its attractiveness, warns a nasen-funded study. Sue Pearson reports on her research
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There is much to be gained by linking special and mainstream schools together for a learning session; this issue of SENCO Week explores the benefits of arranging such a collaboration, such as sharing experience and expertise
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How can schools collaborate with their communities to achieve better reading results for their pupils? This e-bulletin encourages SENCOs to consider recruiting and training volunteer helpers as 'Reading Buddies'
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Has increased SEN delegated funding led to fewer statements? Roger Inman looks at the friction between the law and new ways of providing for learning difficulties in the mainstream
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As the SENCO role continues to evolve, Mark Blois looks at its basic responsibilities and what to expect for the future with respect to new law
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Reluctant writers can be difficult to assess due to lack of written work. They can also cause concern to those trying to help them develop legible, coherent writing. This SENCO Week looks at some of the reasons why children can be reluctant to write and offers ideas for motivating them
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Exams can be especially challenging for SEN pupils. This SENCO Week provides you with ideas for the planning of special arrangements and support during this time
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Information regarding children and young people with Asperger’s Syndrome is the subject of the e-bulletin, following on from the last SENCO Week covering Autistic Spectrum Disorder
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This free supplement booklet discusses the changing role of the SENCO in mainstream schools in England, and the government's plans to ensure that SEN support is as effective as possible
Following our last e-bulletin, this SENCO Week looks at how SENCOs can provide effective training and development for TAs providing SEN support, and how their work can be monitored and evaluated
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Are your TAs valuable and valued members of the school’s curriculum support team, or more of a liability? With SENCOs having to delegate more and rely on assistants to maintain a professional standard, this issue of SENCO Week looks at recruiting and deploying TAs
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Jenni Whitehead looks at a document she believes to be essential reading for those working with disabled children, which can be used to audit your school's safeguarding provision
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This article discusses the GTC's Making SENse of CPD resource, which includes a summary of research findings about the effectiveness of CPD for SEN, as well as the emerging themes in CPD for SEN
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Dyslexia is the subject of this issue of SENCO Week, which looks at providing support for dyslexic learners, raising awareness of dyslexia amongst teaching staff, and improving pupils’ and parents’ understanding of the challenges the condition poses
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The first SENCO Week of the new term looks at the importance of planning how to share information and how to develop good inclusive practice
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Forward planning and prioritising are the topics for the last two issues of SENCO Week this term. We provide you with some 'to do' pointers to help you finish off the school year in good shape and consider some forward planning for next term
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This week we look at some of the ways to collect and interpret information about pupils' achievements
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In our second subject-specific issue of SENCO Week, we consider some of the issues involved in teaching science to pupils with SEN and how teachers and TAs can support their learning
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CPD Week probes the place of CPD in special needs provision in mainstream schools read more
It is likely that you will find a mismatch between the development needs of staff regarding CPD for SEN and the resources available to you read more
A review of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs, plus a help sheet for SENCOs to help define types of SEN, intervention strategies and Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
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Following the government's rejection of the recommendation that the link between assessment of children's SEN and funding for their provision be broken, John Wright discusses the reaction of the select committee who proposed the change
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Louise Coigley enhances and develops the communication of SEN children and adults through inclusive storytelling. Michael Jones describes seeing her in action
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Sound is now an integral part of the sensory environments that exist in many special schools, and the latest technology involved encourages interaction, stimulation and feedback
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