Following on from the last SENCO Week covering Autistic Spectrum Disorder, this issue looks in a bit more detail at children and young people with Asperger’s Syndrome
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This free supplement booklet discusses the changing role of the SENCO in mainstream schools in England, and the government’s plans to ensure that SEN support is as effective as possible
Following our last e-bulletin, this SENCO Week looks at how SENCOs can provide effective training and development for TAs providing SEN support, and how their work can be monitored and evaluated
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Are your TAs valuable and valued members of the school’s curriculum support team, or more of a liability? With SENCOs having to delegate more and rely on assistants to maintain a professional standard, this issue of SENCO Week looks at recruiting and deploying TAs
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Jenni Whitehead looks at a document she believes to be essential reading for those working with disabled children, which can be used to audit your school’s safeguarding provision
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Michael Farrell considers the mathematics disorder dyscalculia, and looks at ways of supporting students who struggle with its effects
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This article discusses the GTC’s Making SENse of CPD resource, which includes a summary of research findings about the effectiveness of CPD for SEN, as well as the emerging themes in CPD for SEN
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This issue of SENCO Week looks at dyslexia: providing support for dyslexic learners, raising awareness of dyslexia amongst teaching staff and improving pupils’ and parents’ understanding of the challenges the condition poses
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The first SENCO Week of the new term looks at the importance of planning how to share information and how to develop good inclusive practice
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This week we look at some of the ways to collect and interpret information about pupils’ achievements read more