This series of classroom activities will be useful for SENCOs, teachers, assistants and mentors. Each page focuses on a different skill set – from spatial awareness to visual discrimination to semantic knowledge
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Engaging parents is not always an easy task. Michelle Morgan describes how family partnership training can enable staff to build and maintain purposeful relationships with parents
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More training and support is needed to accommodate autism in mainstream schools, according to the NfER’s new report, Autism and Educational Assessment: UK Policy and Practice
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Following on from the last issue where we considered how to build good parent-school relationships, this issue we look at collaborative working with professionals from a range of agencies and how to get the best out of joint working
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Following on from the last issue where we considered how to build good parent –school relationships, we look at ways of offering practical support to families who want to help their children to learn
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All SENCOs must take the lead in their colleague’s professional development in relation to special needs – in this issue we focus on evaluating how well you manage this, and offer a helpsheet to assist in managing the CPD of teaching/support assistants
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Offers info on the legal requirements for CPD for SENCOs and advice on using CPD to improve SEN provision practised by other members of staff
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Linda Evans discusses the best way to use technology to support children with SEN and disability
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This issue looks at study skills in terms of helping pupils with SEN to engage with the learning process and take some responsibility themselves for achieving a positive outcome
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This issue discusses some of the strategies SENCos and classroom teachers can share with colleagues to enable them to support the development of reading across the curriculum
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In this issue of SENCO Week, Linda Evans suggests some ways of helping pupils to concentrate, and also how to develop memory skills, with advice for SENCOs and teachers
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Linda Evans looks at support for differentiation, namely teaching assistant support
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Lots of schools have rules for children's behaviour, but Grangewood Special School in Hillingdon has rules for adults too, and is a great example of good SEN practice. Michael Jones paid a visit
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The Audit Commission wants schools, including SENCOs, to show that they are getting value for money from their SEN and AEN budgets, and has produced the tools they need
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What can schools learn from the Baby P case? Jenni Whitehead examines the report on Haringey children’s services and gives advice on how to prepare for unannounced inspections
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SENCO Week looks at how to support those students with DME (dual or multiple exceptionality) and how to help them fulfil their potential
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Assemblies are an important part of school life. This e-bulletin looks at assemblies with a special needs (SEN) focus and also considers how circle time can be used to support inclusion
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SENCO Week discusses low incidence special educational needs — those with significant difficulties and/or disablities which affect only a small number of children
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Important aspects of SEN provision are regular meetings with children and parents to discuss their progress and continuing needs. This e-bulletin considers how careful planning can maximise the usefulness of these reviews and ensure that they are productive for SEN children
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This e-bulletin suggests some strategies for teachers and TAs to use in supporting children across the curriculum in their revision and private study
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SENCO Week discusses the important educational base provided by reading skills, and considers strategies to help older children who are struggling with reading, in order to improve their general literacy
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How has the role of SENCo evolved in education? Gareth Morewood argues the importance of having a clear philosophy and acting as an advocate for students with special educational needs (SEN)
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Slow learners, children who find it difficult to learn and remember things, are a challenge experienced by all teachers at some point in their career. Here we consider this group of pupils and some general strategies for helping them
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It is important to allow multisensory maths to be taught to children with special educational needs (SEN) for as long as they need, argues Jane Kendall. Here she offers some practical suggestions for how
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Support for children with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis are the subject of this SENCO Week, as Linda Evans offers SENCos related advice
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The government plans to spend £235m on improving playground provision, but what can be done to make sure all children enjoy the new facilities? Crispin Andrews invesigates
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Children with little or no speech (augmentative and alternative communication) can now be supported by a wide range of communication aids, but much still depends on funding
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Do your pupils struggle with spelling? Linda Evans offers support for SENCos and classroom teachers when helping them
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Starting school (or nursery) and moving from one school to another is a major event in children’s lives — for a child with special educational needs it can be particularly worrying. This ebulletin considers how SENCOs can help to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible for all concerned
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Elizabeth Holmes looks further into the links between professional development and behaviour, focusing specifically on children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
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Pupils with more significant speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) needs are looked at in the second e-bulletin on the subject from Linda Evans, including how SENCOs can plan effective interventions
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Alison Williams has an extended role as SENCO and head of inclusion at Danetre School, an 11-16 technology college in Northamptonshire. She talks about her duties to Crispin Andrews
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The Bercow Review has made its recommendations on the steps needed to transform provision for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, after 10 months of investigation and analysis
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Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) are dealt with by over one million children in the UK; most of them in mainstream schools. This ebulletin considers how SENCOs can support colleagues in meeting the needs of these children in the classroom
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Mentoring schemes are an approach endorsed by the DCSF, and a number of independent organisations offer direct support to schools. Linda Evans discusses mentoring schemes as well as other forms of peer support
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Fetal alcohol syndrome disorders (FASD) are regarded as the leading known cause of non-genetic intellectual disability in the Western world. Special Children gives some useful information about FASD and interviews the adoptive mother of a child with fetal alcohol sydrome
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Vocational and extra-curricular activities for students with special education needs is an important aspect of curriculum development. Michael Jones looks at one school's provision
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Speech and phonological disorders are the focus of this article by Michael Farrel, who considers provision for those pupils dealing with communication difficulties
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The demands of the SENCO role should not outweigh its attractiveness, warns a nasen-funded study. Sue Pearson reports on her research
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There is much to be gained by linking special and mainstream schools together for a learning session; this issue of SENCO Week explores the benefits of arranging such a collaboration, such as sharing experience and expertise
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How can schools collaborate with their communities to achieve better reading results for their pupils? This e-bulletin encourages SENCOs to consider recruiting and training volunteer helpers as 'Reading Buddies'
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SENCos must be familiar with the legislation and guidance related to physical impairment, and be able to contribute to the school’s accessibility planning by making reasonable adjustments in order to include these pupils in all aspects of education; as discussed in this SENCO Week
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Visual impairment is the topic of this SENCO Week, which provides information about warning signs that children are struggling with sight problems, the possible consequences and what you can do in the classroom to help
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Impaired hearing is this week's topic in SENCO Week, which provides information to help education professionals consider the needs of hearing impaired (HI) learners, with pointers for dealing with parents as well as pupils
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Reluctant writers can be difficult to assess due to lack of written work. They can also cause concern to those trying to help them develop legible, coherent writing. This SENCO Week looks at some of the reasons why children can be reluctant to write and offers ideas for motivating them
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SENCos are key to a child with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) being able to continue within mainstream educational settings. This issue of SENCO Week discusses information, strategies and support for parents and pupils living with ASD
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This free supplement booklet discusses the changing role of the SENCO in mainstream schools in England, and the government's plans to ensure that SEN support is as effective as possible
Members of the therapy team at St Nicholas School in Canterbury describe the Shared Goals Project, an innovative approach to supporting students with profound and complex needs
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Jenni Whitehead looks at a document she believes to be essential reading for those working with disabled children, which can be used to audit your school's safeguarding provision
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This issue of SENCO Week discussees the attention that should given to SENCO's professional development (CPD) and the importance of taking a well-rounded professional approach to the role
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