Coming soon.......March 2011
Managing resources on a reduced budget
Now in its 11th year, the 2011 SENCO Update national conference will offer you practical hands-on advice on how to maintain the high quality of SEN provision that your pupils deserve on a very strict budget.
In addition to the latest Government guidance you will receive strategies from leading practitioners on how to manage your time efficiently to allow for teaching, paperwork, coordinating provision and the myriad of other tasks that SENCOs face daily.
You will also discover how to restructure your workforce and maximise the impact of support staff in order to make the most of your resources despite the lack of funding.
Plus, interactive workshops will offer you nuts and bolts advice on: how to train and effectively disseminate information to all teaching staff; work effectively with external agencies; communicate with parents and much more.
To register your interest please call 020 7954 3411 or email [email protected]