As a school governor I often assist with interviews – not necessarily related to SEN, but as part of my whole-school role. Over the past couple of years I have been lucky enough to be part of the interview process for heads of faculty, main scale teachers and even a deputy head. Today was for an English teacher.
There were a range of candidates; some that, on paper, looked extremely strong. But ‘performing’ on the day is often a very different kettle of fish, as it were.
Seven candidates were initially invited for interview: two withdrew due to accepting other positions, and two were not asked to stay for a second interview after delivering unsatisfactory lessons.
So three were left, and this is where I joined the process. One candidate was on the GTP (graduate teacher program), one was a supply teacher with a fair amount of previous experience, and one was following a PGCE.
All provided interesting interviews and, coupled with the applications and lesson observations, generated a healthy debate between the panel. In the end, the young lady undertaking her PGCE was successful. Not the complete article by any means, but with a pretty amazing ‘get-up-and-go’ attitude to life and the profession. We all felt she would not only thrive professionally but also personally at our school, and were pleased to have such a candidate to appoint.
It is never an easy process going for an interview, but it is also tough being on the other side. I remember back to the appointment of the head of PE last summer – we interviewed eight candidates on a Friday night, it was a really late one! But today we had the chance to see a good young teacher start her career. I look forward to working with her as a colleague in September, when her journey will begin!