This time last year I was preparing for an excursion to France with school — this summer I am enjoying a complete change of pace; an opportunity to change down a few gears and catch up with friends, and do some work at a slighty slower rate than during term time!
It is always nice to have time to relax and recharge. Even having the time to talk and discuss things is a luxury that, as a SENCo, I sometimes feel I simply don’t have; you become used to working at a fast rate and making decisions promptly. Already this holiday I have had meetings with our Educational Psychologist and key members of my staff, but at a different pace.
What a pleasure!
I am good at making decisions quickly, gathering information and deciding a course of action sometimes immediately upon information being obtained, but perhaps with more time I would be even better at finding solutions to complex problems and seeking resolutions to difficult scenarios.
I think that, working as a SENCo in the ‘fast-paced’ world of a busy school, you develop skills that are sometimes difficult to define. But after seven years as a SENCo, I think I am really beginning to recognise this skills set. Maybe we all have skills that we are unaware of? As my new change of pace becomes routine over the next few weeks maybe, just maybe, other facets of my character and skills will come to light?
It always interests me how we are always learning, and even when slowing down I have learnt more about myself again!