What makes young people want to commit suicide, and, crucially, how can we prevent it? Jenni Whitehead looks at research and approaches to helping
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We've been collecting your stories about the inspiring and encouraging experiences you’ve had at work during 2008. Here is a collection of the SEAL themed responses you sent to the question, What has been your most positive experience at work this year?
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Author: Ruth MacConville
SEAL BESTSELLER! Teaching Happiness explains how to create a positive learning environment. It explores the key aspects of positive psychology using social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL), and takes you through ten steps for creating a positive classroom environment for your students
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Author: Written by Tina Rae and Patricia Black
The Emotional Curriculum for Young Adults KS4 is from the Teach to Inspire range, designed to give support to secondary school staff and provide a flexible and comprehensive approach to promoting the emotional literacy and wellbeing of KS4 young adults in their care
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Author: Tina Rae and Patricia Black
The Emotional Curriculum for Early Teens KS3 is from the Teach to Inspire range, designed to give support to secondary school staff and provide a flexible and comprehensive approach to promoting the emotional literacy and wellbeing of KS3 early teens in their care
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These five SEAL activities, aimed at key stages 3-5, promote a whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing and emotional learning, by helping teachers to engage young people
This 14 page resource discusses the basic format and approach of dilemma-based learning
This CPD Week explores the benefits that encouraging whole-school engagement in Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) can bring for professional development
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Would a project designed to help secondary students address their emotional needs and wellbeing benefit those at your school? Read on for former assistant headteacher Val Taylor's experience at her school with Reaching Out
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SEAL can help young people develop values that will enable them to address challenges in life, says trainer, school improvement partner and former headteacher Jackie Beere
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When dealing with the feelings and behaviour of early years pupils, teachers should try looking at creative ways to approach and deal with problems says Anni McTavish
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Julie Leoni explains why she believes that 'positive strokes', or comfort and support, are key to making her a better educational professional and mother, and how students could benefit from similar encouragement
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What role does emotional intelligence play in children's learning, and how can teachers use it to improve pupil's behaviour?
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Emotional literacy coordinator Julie Leoni pays tribute to a late colleague, and reflects on what she learned from her about emotionally literate leadership
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Pupils with low self-esteem may feel isolated, especially if they are not given the support they need to reach their full potential. This resource will help you spot the signs of low self-esteem and suggests some support strategies
Happy slapping is a fad among teenagers and older children. An unsuspecting victim is assaulted, and this is recorded by the attacker's accomplice(s). This resource focuses on the serious implications of such violent behaviour and will help to ensure that pupils are aware of the damage it can cause, as well as the consequences
Life is full of ups and downs. Being able to identify and rationalise serious issues can contribute towards pupils' wellbeing and improve their outlook on life
This illustrated worksheet will encourage students to recognise, record and communicate the different types of feelings they experience. This will help embed emotional literacy into day-to-day learning
This resource will help develop students' understanding of stereotyping and the consequences and impact it can have on the people involved
This free resource for primary schools provides response sheets which will help children with disabilities express their feelings about the daily barriers they encounter and their feelings towards school
This assembly focuses on Buddhism and the importance of reflection. It tells a story of how advice from a Buddhist monk, makes Gemma realise that she is becoming a bully, and needs to take action to put this right
This primary assembly for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) focuses on bullying and the consequences
Author: Brian Radcliffe
Secondary Assemblies for SEAL is a collection of 40 original secondary assemblies designed to tackle the five priority outcomes outlined in the secondary SEAL programme. These SEAL assemblies about inspirational people will support your commitment to enforcing emotional learning in secondary schools
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Author: Tina Rae & Elizabeth Smith
This resource, Self-Harm and Suicide, will help professionals to understand the difficult problems of self-harm and suicide among young people and provides a background to interventions, facilitation and staff training
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Author: Tina Rae and Brian Marris
Tough Issues, Tough Choices aims to help young people tackle problems and challenges. It addresses the difficult issues and decisions facing young people in today's society, – those with behavioural problems and those without – and promotes the development of emotional literacy, equal opportunities and social justice
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Author: Gillian Shotton and Sheila Burton
The Emotional Wellbeing: An Introductory Handbook helps school staff learn about emotional literacy, and promote SEAL topics to their students using activities and resources
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Author: Belinda Heaven
Emotional Health and Wellbeingprovides activities and resources to promote a whole-school approach to emotional wellbeing, focusing on a number of SEAL areas
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Author: Authors: Tina Rae & Sara Daly
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Children will help to empower children to manage strong feelings more positively
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Author: Tina Rae & Sara Daly
Controlling Anger: A Solution Focused Approach for Young People will help to empower pupils, including teenagers and young adults, to manage their anger and other strong feelings more positively
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Author: Teresa Bliss, Rachel Down, Isobel Hollis & Christina Lythgoe
Transition: A Peer Mentoring System is a guide to organising a 'buddy' programme, which will help ease the transition process for Year 7 pupils
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Author: Tina Rae, Nisha Nakarja & Patricia Velinor
Emotional Resilience and Problem Solving for Young People will help promote the mental health and wellbeing of young people. It is aimed at teachers, social workers and all those involved in supporting young adults
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Author: Teresa Bliss
Mediation and Restoration in Circle Time will help increase participation and help develop emotional literacy
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Author: Thérèse Hoyle
101 Playground Games, written by Thérèse Hoyle, is a collection of active and engaging games, ideal for teachers, lunchtime supervisors and any adult involved with children at play. It is one of nine titles in the Teach to Inspire series
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Author: Gerald Haigh and Jane West
Primary Assemblies for SEAL is a collection of 40 original primary assemblies covering the five areas outlined in the primary SEAL programme. These SEAL assemblies will support your commitment to embedding emotional learning in your school
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Author: Claire Harbottle with Genevieve Barlow
Thinking Through PSHE, Citizenship and Careers Education & Guidance is designed to help teachers to apply thinking skills strategies in the important area of Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE), and help them to create exciting and memorable PSHE lessons
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Early Years Update focuses on the importance of health and well being with babies, toddlers and three- to five-year-old children. This is part of a range of practical ideas to underpin the information in the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice cards
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Crispin Andrews speaks to practitioners in order to examine the challenges and the opportunities for pupils with SEBD in PE
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Counselling services need to be made a normal part of school provision, as new research into UK school counselling shows
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The responsibility of SEAL and the development of emotional intelligence ultimately lies with the school, argues headteacher Neil Berry, and can have a real impact on school improvement read more
What does the Children's Plan have to say about shaping up a more emotionally literate education system? read more
What can be achieved by SEAL over three years? Educational psychologist Cate Summers takes a look at results in the London Borough of Westminster read more
Julie Leoni, emotional literacy coordinator at The Marches School, explores how we help young people to understand the difference between aggressive power and positive power
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Primary learning mentor Ayub Malik explains why he is proud to be working with children experiencing barriers to learning
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Starting and changing schools are big transitions. Former headteacher Lynn Cousins shares advice on handling these and less common times of change that children experience read more
Is the pressure of school life too much for young children? Roger Smith investigates
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Julie Leoni, emotional literacy coordinator at the Marches School in Shropshire, reflects on the need for teachers to take risks if they are to encourage creative risk-taking in their students
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Do G&T children have more than their fair share of social-emotional difficulties? Kalliope Emmanouilidou looks into the research and challenges some stereotypical views
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The happiness programme at Wellington College in Berkshire is described by Anthony Seldon, the master, Ian Morris, head of philosophy, and two Year 12 students
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Susannah Temple uses concepts from transactional analysis to highlight an important psychological issue for teachers in developing their own identity as effective practitioners
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