For regular and up-to-date information on social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL), our newsletter Social and Emotional Learning Update can provide you with what you need, whether you have a primary or a secondary SEAL focus
Published 10 times a year, this newsletter brings you the latest news, policy updates, innovative accounts of practice as well as guidance from the UK’s leading experts in social and emotional learning. With an emphasis on how to turn theory and policy into practice in the local authority, school or setting, Social and Emotional Learning Update is a truly valuable resource.
Social and Emotional Learning Update will help you navigate your way through the wide range of initiatives regarding personal, social and emotional development and emotional wellbeing. Whether you’re involved in all aspects of this essential field, or have a particular responsibility or interest, this easy to digest publication will help you lead and coordinate the following:
- Your school or LA’s work to promote social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) and wellbeing in your school
- Your school or LA’s efforts to improve behaviour and attendance through developing the social and emotional skills of all members of the school community
- Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills within your school in response to the New Secondary Curriculum
- Your school or setting’s provision for personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
- Learning and teaching approaches, assessment for learning or student voice
- A partnership of schools to address social and emotional aspects of learning, behaviour and attendance
- Your school’s response to Every Child Matters and the 5 outcomes for children or the emotional health and wellbeing strand of Healthy Schools.
To experience for yourself the benefits a subscription to Social & Emotional Learning Update can bring, why not subscribe now risk free? Your subscription can be cancelled at any time, simply return the invoice you recieve to us marked 'cancel' and a full refund is given on all un-mailed issues.
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