It is essential that children’s social and emotional skills are nurtured and taught as early as possible, in order to give them the best chance of developing healthy emotional and social intelligence later on. Tina Rae offers programme ideas and explains how you can measure progress
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Tina Rae discusses how to use the technique of motivational interviewing (MI) to trigger behaviour change in students. MI accepts that students may not always be ready or willing to modify their behaviour, so focuses on exploring ambivalence before change
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The best way to protect and improve pupil wellbeing at your school is to create support systems to promote staff well-being, says Tina Rae. Having emotionally literate teachers is vital when working with students at risk of developing emotional problems
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Defining stress is quite a difficult and complex process as it can mean different things to different people. Here, Tina Rae gives advice on how to recognise stress in your students, as well as detailing practical approaches at tackling it
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In this edition we consider self-harm and discuss what teachers can do to help young people who are vulnerable to self-harm
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The focus of this SEAL-focused e-bulletin is motivation; specifically, how to engage with students who appear disengaged and less resilient within the learning context. Tina Rae reminds practitioners that motivation is a two-way process between the teacher and the student, and offers strategy ideas for improving it through communication to raise self-esteem
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In this third e-bulletin, Tina Rae considers the use of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), which encouragestudents to consider how positive change can be brought about via the principles of 'solution building' as opposed to 'problem solving'
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How to use cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) approaches with young people to promote positive thinking, feeling and behaviour
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Practical strategies and ideas for supporting pastoral and curriculum leaders and SEAL co-ordinators. This first issue discusses different types of self-esteem, and how to focus on preventing students from engaging in a negative learning cycle
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