Tags: SEN - Special Educational Needs | SENCO
On 20 July 2005 the new Education and Skills Committee met for the first time since the general election, having been constituted the week before, and re-elected Barry Shearman (Labour MP , Huddersfield) as its chairman.
The committee agreed to establish an inquiry into special educational needs during the next session of parliament.
The committee commences its work in October and will look at the following issues: - provision for SEN pupils in ‘mainstream’ schools: availability of resources and expertise; different models of provision - provision for SEN pupils in special schools - raising standards of achievement for SEN pupils - the system of statements of need for SEN pupils (‘the statementing process’) - the role of parents in decisions about their children’s education - how special educational needs are defined - provision for different types and levels of SEN, including emotional, behavioural and social difficulties (EBSD)
- the legislative framework for SEN provision and the effects of the Disability Act 2001, which extended the Disability Discrimination Act to education
Submitting evidence
Written submissions are welcome and should arrive no later than Monday 3 October. Oral evidence sessions are expected to begin at the end of October.
A guide for written submissions to the Committee may be found on the parliamentary website at: www.parliament.uk/commons/selcom/witguide.htm
This article first appeared in SENCO Update - Sep 2005
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