“The overall position in terms of speech, language and communication services is highly unsatisfactory. Access to information and services is often poor, services themselves are very mixed, continuity across the age range is lacking, effective joint working between the health and education services is rare and there is something of a postcode lottery across the country. Above all, local commissioners attach a low priority to the subject and we believe that this must change”.
The Bercow Report – A Review of Services for Children and Young People (0 – 19) with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
Is your school providing the best possible service for pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)?
With the appointment of Jean Gross as National Communication Champion and the forthcoming year of Speech, Language and Communication it is clear that the Government has shown its commitment to improving levels of SLC in schools. It has therefore never been more important to ensure that your school is addressing the needs and providing the best support for your pupils with SLCN.
Attend the inaugural Speech, Language and Communication Needs conference to hear the very latest information on the Government’s national plans for SLCN.
Click here to see an overview of this event. You can also see details of the day in our conference programme.
Last year’s delegates said:
“A whole year’s CPD in one day. Brilliant, excellent speakers able to inspire us”.
Vanessa Beckett, Director of SEN, Warden Park School
“An extremely well organised event which through the keynote speeches outlined current policy and practice, then allowing delegates the opportunity to choose sessions of specific interest relevant to their own schools”.
Jane Bailey, Head of Special Needs Unit, Woodford Lodge High
“Slick action packed conference with thought provoking new initiatives to build upon inclusive practice and provision within mainstream schools”.
Deborah Garner, Learning Support Manager, Hugh Christie Technology College
“An excellent resource for all SENCO’s. Opening our eyes to everything that matters”.
Elisa Horgan, Leader of Personalised Learning, Swan Valley Community School
“Such an informative day. Gone back buzzing with ideas. Much better than Local Authority conference”.
Sue Summers, SENCO, Fernhill School and Language College