We are pleased to welcome Jean Gross, Communication Champion, who will be delivering a keynote address on why speech, language and communication is such a priority and the progress that has been made in implementing the recommendations of the Bercow Report. In addition to this she will also be updating you on the 2011 National Year focusing on children and young people’s communication skills.
As well as hearing from inspirational speakers, you will also have the opportunity to attend interactive workshop sessions such as coordinating teaching and support staff to ensure inclusion is a priority in all areas of the curriculum. It is essential that every member of staff has training on how to provide effective support for pupils with SLCN, this session will give you the expertise to deliver excellent training to ensure a consistently high standard of provision across your school. You will also be able to attend workshops with practical strategies on differentiation, autistic spectrum disorders, social skills, self esteem, challenging behaviour, thinking skills and many more.
Attend this conference to:
- Discover new ways to engage and challenge students in mixed ability classrooms
- Create strong links between your school and professionals in multi agency teams
- Develop your pupils’ social skills and boost their self esteem
- Gain effective strategies for developing the communication skills of pupils with ASD
- Delegates attending this event will be able to download speakers presentations after the event
Who should attend?
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Headteachers
- Deputy Headteachers
- Heads of Pupil Referral Units
- Education Welfare Officers
- Special Needs Advisors
- Secondary School Leaders
- Heads of SEN Services in Local Authorities
- Learning Support Leaders
- Inclusion Coordinators
- SENJIT Coordinators
- School Improvement Officers
- SEN Advisory Officers
- Parent Partnership Officers
Click here to book your place now
PLUS: All delegates will be able to download exclusive speaker presentations to take back to school and use in training.