Tags: Headteacher | School Governance | School Governor | School Leadership & Management | Staffing Structures
Schools in England should now be engaged in formal consultation with staff and their representatives on new draft staffing structures.
Headteachers were expected to present governing bodies with draft structures during September so that the review process could remain on target for completion by December 31 – the deadline for governing bodies to have the new structure and a plan for its implementation in place.
There will be a transition period of three years, by the end of which all changes to schools’ staffing arrangements must be fully implemented.
A key consideration in drawing up the new structure is the effect of the scrapping of management allowances and the introduction of teaching and learning responsibility payments. The overall cost of TLR payments is expected to be less than the total previously spent on management allowances.
The Rewards and Incentives Group has published guidance on reviewing the staffing structure. It includes an annex with a checklist of key questions for governors to enable them to monitor and assess the progress of the process, from drawing up the draft to finalising the new structure.
This article first appeared in School Governor Update – Sep 2005
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