Teaching Expertise is delighted to announce our sponsorship of a teacher’s expedition to Antarctica, exploring how humans cope with extremes.
Philip Avery, KS3 geography coordinator at Oxted School, is one of four teachers taking part in the Fuchs Foundation Antarctic Expedition 2007 which celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the first crossing of the continent led by Sir Vivian Fuchs.
Phil Avery
Phil will be recording his experiments and experiences on a regular blog on this website, where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange comments. We will also publish Phil’s teaching ideas and lesson plans, for you to download and use with your class.
The expedition departs for the Ellsworth Mountains in November, but Phil’s blog will begin later this month as we track his preparation. The group will undergo everything from cold water immersion tests to crevasse rescue training as part of a vigorous programme of polar training. They will have to draw on all their physical and mental resources to succeed.
The expedition has two themes – ecological footprints and coping with extremes. Philip’s personal project is ‘Temperature Torture’ which will explore how to cope with extreme cold – in this case at temperatures as low as -40c (plus wind chill!). His exciting and inspirational real-life experiments will be recorded on this website, where you’ll be able to read accounts of what happens when the team have their hands and faces plunged into icy water, find out about their own psychological states and discover each other’s annoying tent habits.
Watch out for Phil’s first report when he begins training later this month!
For more information about the expedition group, please visit www.fuchsfoundation.org