Helen Hann considers how we can support children in the learning of maths from early years, by nurturing their emerging mathematical concepts and understanding
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Small children can get quite noisy and frenetic. It can take time to calm them down. Angela Youngman investigated one very popular method – to teach the children to give and receive simple massage. read more
There are many theories about boys' underachievement in our education system, but it's important that schools are given direct, practical ways to tackle it at ground level read more
The interim results of a pioneering study involving 60 toddlers in Durham have provided impressive evidence of the effects of omega-3 oil on children's learning abilities. read more
During the academic year 2004-05, the London Borough of Lambeth developed an imaginative and creative partnership with GIFT to offer enrichment courses for gifted and talented primary and secondary students, held in local museums and galleries. Rosemary Butcher explains read more
John Senior looks at an approach that will help G&T students develop creative thinking
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Empowering students by developing their understanding of how they learn. read more
Black and Wiliam (often mispelled as Black and William, with two 'L's) developed a radical approach to learning, as Charles Dietz reports
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Writer and consultant Barry Hymer explains why he thinks G&T education needs to rethink some commonly used policies. read more
The able, gifted and talented continue to make strides at the first school to receive NACE's Challenge Award, as deputy headteacher and G&T coordinator David Futerman explains read more
British Gymnastics' play programme helps young children develop physical skills. Jo Prescott and Liz Liebman explain how
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Groupwork needs a bigger role in classroom practice, according to the findings of the SPRinG (Social Pedagogic Research into Groupwork) project, carried out over five years by researchers at the universities of London, Cambridge and Brighton. read more
What are our responsibilities when asked to give medicine to children? Mary Mahoney examines this issue, with a focus on working with younger children
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A free training seminar on gambling education will take place in London on 10 May 2007. The seminar is being organised by Tacade, a leading charity working in the field of PSHCE. read more
Archaeologist and teacher John Crossland, describes how you can use an historic site with Foundation Stage children. read more
Help children to understand what risk actually is and the part they can play in minimising risk and doing things safely. Margaret Collins describes how children can learn to be risk assessors at school
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Teaching and learning is a broad area, encompassing everything from thinking skills to seating plans. This section of teachingexpertise deals with the many different aspects of classroom practice. You'll find teaching materials, research updates, teaching tips, case studies – useful information and advice for every stage of your career. There are also articles and resources for learning to learn, developing thinking skills and personalising learning.