In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider how they might influence the upcoming general election, despite their young age
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Volunteering provides opportunities for the local community to engage with your school’s extended services. Here are some suggestions for activities, including awareness days, accreditation opportunities, the arts and the Olympic Games
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This assembly looks at the sport of mountain climbing and the huge challenge that awaits the boy who wants to be the youngest person to conquer Everest
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The word heuristic derives from the Greek word eurisko meaning ‘I discover’. It is used to describe an intuitive way of meeting challenges and solving problems – exactly what young children do when they are engaged in heuristic play
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Treasure baskets are thought to promote accelerated learning in early years. Early Years Update describes the benefits, as well as explaining the key elements of a successful Treasure Basket
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We are currently looking at the crucial role of metacognitive plenaries in helping our students to develop a more reflective mindset. Last time we looked at some activities designed to introduce the concept of metacognition – or 'thinking about thinking' – to young learners. In this bulletin we will look further at the idea of helping students to 'learn for transfer'
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Most schools will probably already be offering a range of after school clubs to pupils, but it is always worth considering new ideas and looking for inspiration. Here we investigate some ideas for starting novel after school clubs
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the possibility that increased wealth may not lead to increased happiness
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Early Years Focus outlines three main factors which will affect your setting’s ability to develop early years communication skills, and then offers a list of practical ideas for you to initiate which support them
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This assembly looks at what it means to footballers to represent their country in the World Cup and the meaning of national pride
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In this assembly, Joe Walker challenges listeners to think about how easily we tend to blame external factors for things and so perhaps avoid our own responsibilities
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The assembly sets out some of the facts about Down’s syndrome. It includes the story of Dr Down, and mentions some famous people with Down’s. The theme throughout is that of attitudes to people with learning difficulties
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This assembly, timed to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, takes the form of a Time Travel Interview with Ireland’s Patron Saint. It disentangles fact from legend and shows that Patrick’s story is relevant today, giving opportunity for discussion at key stages 3, 4 and 5
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All early years practitioners are aware of the importance of establishing good relationships with the parents of the children who attend their setting. This week’s Early Year Focus suggests practical ways that you might develop this partnership
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This e-bulletin and the next will be looking at the crucial role of metacognitive plenaries in helping our students 'learn for transfer'
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Extended Schools Update is a new e-bulletin which hopes to provide educational professionals with some practical insights and advice to support them with emerging practice at their schools
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This assembly asks children to think about the challenges faced by deaf musicians and mentions both Beethoven and Dame Evelyn Glennie
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In this assembly, students are invited to consider the cost of bringing up a child in the UK, and to think about whether they personally are offering good value for the money that has been spent on them
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This assembly tells the story of a bomb-sniffing dog called Treo, an Army dog who did work in Afghanistan, became the 63rd animal to be awarded the ’Animals’ VC‘ – the Dickin Medal.
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In this week’s assembly, Joe Walker challenges listeners to look at themselves and the wider exploits of humanity from a different perspective… prompted by the arrival of aliens
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This assembly examines these first signs of spring and also discusses why new potatoes in the UK are now grown under swathes of plastic. It asks children to consider where their food comes from – and the price the countryside pays for it
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This bulletin provides an overview of what is meant by effective ‘debriefing’ – an essential skill for any practitioner who wishes to generate conversations about learning in their classroom
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As the weather improves and opportunities for being out of doors for most of the day increase, it is time for practitioners in early years settings to consider the many different ways in which children’s mathematical development can be enhanced by ‘taking maths outdoors’
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This assembly considers attitudes to cheating in the light of the news that more pupils are using new ‘technological’ methods in order to cheat in examinations. It considers the pressures that may drive us to cheat and asks questions about the role of conscience
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Reginald Earnshaw, killed at 14 years and 152 days, was belatedly recognised recently as the youngest serving casualty of World War Two
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On the general subject of climate change, this assembly invites students to consider how easily we become sceptical, and the effect this might have on the world’s poorest people
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Fifty years ago this month, the Greensboro Four sat down for a coffee in Woolworths. This assembly explores the lessons their act of bravery teaches us
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All early years practitioners have a role to play in quality improvement by developing their personal and professional skills as reflective practitioners. Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton discuss what you can do
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This week begins a series on how to help young people develop as ‘Reflective Learners’
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This assembly reflects on the idea of hope, challenging listeners to engage in hopeful thinking for the future. It refers to the recent events in Haiti, as well as the memorial services recently held to remember the victims of the Holocaust
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This assembly discusses seven year old Charlie’s remarkable fundraising effort for Haiti, highlighting the concerns and efforts of all young fundraisers. It contains a Christian message and a short story from the Bible
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This assembly for secondary school pupils looks at the tradition of Groundhog Day, considers why we get bored of routine, and why we should think twice about it
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The Haitian earthquake of 12th January has been a highly featured issue on every news channel and in every newspaper. This assembly helps teachers explain to children what has happened, why it won’t happen in Britain, and that there are things that are being done to help
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In this assembly Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider an imaginative way to recycle an unsightly and invasive type of litter
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Early Years Update looks at the benefits of using play as a developmental tool with young children, particularly focusing on the added value of parental support and involvement
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This issue we continue to look at practical activities that can be used to help young people explore the idea of 'emotional resourcefulness', focusing on helping students to become increasingly sensitive to other people’s feelings and perceptions
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Miep Gies died this week aged 100. She helped shelter Anne Frank’s family during the Second World War and saved Anne’s diaries which were published to great acclaim
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Gerald Haigh looks at the effect of hard winters - not only on people, but on the wildlife of our country
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In this assembly, Joe Walker considers the extent to which we are all masters of our own destiny, as we begin another decade. The assembly challenges listeners to consider not how the next year might turn out, but how they might shape 2010
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Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton discuss the benefits of playing with light and dark with early years children, offering thinking skills activity ideas
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In this assembly, Joe Walker considers the extent to which we are all masters of our own destiny, as we begin another decade. The assembly challenges listeners to consider not how the next year might turn out, but how they might shape 2010
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In order for your team to provide quality early years provision, each individual should be aware of the part they play in helping it to function effectively. Below are some descriptions of the roles typically adopted by different team members that will help you to define your contribution
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This assembly uses the popularity of advent calendars to consider what our values should be as we prepare for the season of goodwill
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This primary assembly centres around presents, helping children think about the purpose of present-buying, and their own feelings about both giving and receiving
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The activities shared this week are designed to help students become more aware of the blocks and limiting beliefs that get in the way of that potential, and how these are often reflected and reinforced by the language we use
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We continue to look at practical activities that can be used to help young people explore the idea of 'emotional resourcefulness', that is, the capacity for self-knowledge and understanding – and the ability to make the best use of that understanding
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In this assembly, Brian Radcliffe invites students to consider the rise in incidents of violence between teenagers, even in apparently safe relationships
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This assembly looks at the history of the Red Arrows, Kirsty’s historic achievement, and, briefly, the changing role of women in the military
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In many cultures there are celebrations at this time of year involving light. Below are some suggestions for how you might use the themes of light and celebrations as the basis for activities in your setting
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