Gerald Haigh begins a three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at values
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Gerald Haigh continues his three-part series on primary assemblies by looking at the role of the assembly leader
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Rights literacy is core to inclusion and wellbeing and should underpin schooling, argues Hilary Hunt, who here explains what you need to know about human rights education
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Christine Fanthome outlines practical strategies for students to aid examination success read more
Looking after other people's children is responsible work, says Sue Dale Tunnicliffe read more
New technologies offer an interactive approach to developing social skills in schools and colleges, as Les Cowan explains read more
Graham Haydon responds to the prominence of wellbeing in the news
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This sensitive area should be part of every setting’s PSE programme, says Margaret Collins
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Practitioners need to consider the way that space and resources can be used to encourage children’s investigations. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton explain
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An outline of the content of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and what schools need to consider when deciding to apply to deliver the curriculum it offers. By Tristian Stobie
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A detailed look at how the IB has been launched in one school, by Rob Ford, Head of International Education and International Baccalaureate, The Ridings High School, Bristol
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The contribution of students as researchers (STARS) to students’ learning and to school development can have numerous benefits. David Lucas and Dr Margaret Wood recount their experience at Deptford Green secondary school
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Vision into Practice – Ensuring Every Child Matters is a self-evaluation tool for inclusive learning. Trish Lowson, school link officer for Inclusive Learning at Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, explains read more
Teaching citizenship helps children to understand rights and responsibilities - their own and others' - as well as how society works and how they can play an active role. Margaret Collins discusses, suggesting ways in which she believes schools can help to make society a better place
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Diversity and Citizenship in the Curriculum: Research Review is a recent DfES research briefing that looks at the way in which citizenship and diversity is taught across the curriculum. read more
Evidence is emerging in Scotland that links secondary school pupils’ progress and emotional intelligence to the use of philosophical enquiry as a learning approach in primary schools. read more
'Personalised learning' has been appearing with increasing frequency in policy documents and in discussion about teaching and learning for the last few years. But what is truly meant by 'personalised learning'?
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Planning for teacher learning has to be a key priority, says David Leat. read more
Staff soon discovered that it was more than just a ‘learning to learn’ scheme. Liz Solomon describes the challenges and insights gained from trialling Thinking Through School. read more
In this month’s in-depth focus Anne De A’Echevarria talks about the Thinking Through School approach to learning-focused innovation. She describes the model and, using examples, explores successful implementation in schools and how the impact can be seen to be more than school-wide
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The EPPI website is an excellent resource for informing your decision making, says David Leat. read more
A long-term, focused relationship with parents can pay dividends, says John Welham. read more
What happens when your child AND your partner are both at home sick? Secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni discusses the issues raised by her experiences read more
Teaching and learning based around quality talk and taking the whole class forward together is a practical and effective approach. Headteacher Andy Buck explains read more
The pressures created by a high-performance culture made it difficult for the children at one primary school to learn and collaborate. Tamara Bibby, a lecturer at the Institute of Education in London, explains read more
The 2020 Vision report calls for personalised learning to be designed to reduce the ‘persistent and unacceptable gaps in average attainment between different groups of pupils’. read more
How can teachers raise aspirations for students who have untapped potential? Martin Ransley follows the lives of a group of Year 9 students. read more
Fred Redwood reports on a fitness profiling computer system for schools and colleges read more
Schools need to unpack ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’, say Jacek Brant and Alastair Falk read more
Mike Rathbone reports on developments to make every child’s music matter read more
Anjana Khatwa explores the implications of acquiring World Heritage Site status read more
Daniel Raven-Ellison shows how geographical thinking makes sense of the world
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Julia Frankl argues that studying the abolition of slavery and human rights challenges modern day discrimination
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Barbara Spender outlines the benefits for students that can come from schools collaborating with each other in a formal partnership where staff give mutual support and share resources read more
The Leading into Learning NLC has developed into a major force for professional development and improved attainment in Blackburn with Darwen, as John Westwell, Des Callaghan, Joanne Emberton and Jenny England explain
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Emotional Literacy Update takes a look at the learning aims that the secondary curriculum review hopes to put at the centre of the KS3 and KS4 curriculum from autumn 2008. read more
Using attachment theory, educational therapist Heather Geddes elaborates on James Wetz’s idea that behaviour is a form of communication about social and emotional experience that we need to understand before we decide how we are going to intervene. read more
Sue Roffey describes her way of thinking about how to relate more deeply with students in the classroom
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Staging a murder mystery ‘whodunit’ for gifted and talented children can provide great scope for secondary enrichment, says G&T consultant Bob Cox
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At Belvoir High School staff help pupils set their own SMART targets while house days are used to help pupils develop strengths read more
‘Community cohesion’ is now a legal obligation on school governors and we must make the best of it, says Richard Bird, former headteacher and now legal consultant to the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). He asks how teaching of history could contribute to this objective. read more
Maggie Parker-Heys urges early years practitioners to appreciate and nurture the skills required to form even the simplest letters
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Patricia Lee explores practical ways for you to introduce children to musical concepts and elements. read more
Do you always know what messages your parents are taking away with them? Carole Farrar examines some of the messages that you may be giving out
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Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton explore ways to use the children’s curiosity about their world to become self-motivated, independent learners
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This is what secondary drama teacher Julie Leoni and Bristol Learning Initiative director James Wetz said at a recent Antidote conference about the emotional factors that need addressing if we are to close the achievement gap. read more
Julie Leoni describes how she tried to do justice to the voices of young people in her presentation to the Antidote conference. read more
Heather Osborne describes how PSHE and performing arts can be used to promote peace education. read more
Celine West shows how head spanners and glass eyes can be used to unpack prejudice. read more
In his introduction to a new column, Dr Graham Haydon focuses on choice and discusses how the decisions we make influence our everyday life. read more